'Cold. I wonder if it's still spring-summer.'ペテルパンてなんや! って思ったら Peter Pan ピーターパンだった♡ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
'When I thought,"It's (spelled)
Peteru Pan!" (But) it was
PiーtaーPan instead ♡ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノぺてるぱん( ´ ▽ ` )ノ(爆笑)
Peteru Pan)( ´ ▽ ` )ノ(roaring laughter)'こいつ、あたくしと付き合っとるんちゃうんけwww むかつくw
'This guy, he was dating with me~, Irritating~''Mami: Are u fine?
Guy: I was dumped.
Mami: Eh? That's strange, by who?
Guy: You might laugh!!
Mami: Well then, by who?
Guy:(T_T) (cry)
Mami: Lol then..
Guy: Bwaaaa~~ '今日なんでこんな寒いの? ぷひぷひぷひぷひぷひー(๑•́3•̀๑)
'Why today is so cold like this? Brrrrrrrー(๑•́3•̀๑)'
heiya wrote:looks like we'll find out the answer on Tuesday
Yup, a fan ask Rina where they went few days before, and Rina answer he'll knew that if he listened to radio, which I think it's 80.0 TOKYO-FM「RADIO DRAGON【DOORS】」that will be broadcast on Tuesday (4/2). As well informed by @scandal_band too舞台「 銀河英雄伝説 第三章 内乱」観てきました!今日から13日まで青山劇場で上演されます。私たちの事務所の仲間も出演してるし、素晴らしい作品なので皆様ぜひ!
'I just went to watch "
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Chapter III Civil War"! On stage starting today until 13th in Aoyama Theater. Our colleague from same management also perform there, and it's a magnificent performance, so check it out, guys!'ぱんすぷ行ってる皆、楽しんでるー?
'To those who's going to
Punk Spring, are you enjoying it?'あぁーベース上手くなりたい。上手くなり過ぎて困りたい。くそー。何もできないー。練習しよ
'Aa~I wanna be skillful on bass. I'd love to be bothered with that, to become skillful so much. Darn. I couldn't do anything. Let's practice.'