This is the tenth cover for SHCB and as per the votes casted it's LOVE ME DO.
For this TENTH cover project, SHCB Mk.10 comprises:
DRUMS - marcoatendido
BASS - madeindar
GUITAR - kudo_maharizu
MAIN VOCALS - astuffds
BACKING VOCALS - madeindar
MIXING - pinq
VIDEO EDITING - astuffds
- Blablabla:
1. Applicants need to have posted a short resumé on the Applications thread prior to applying for this cover:
2. You may apply for ONE position in the band only, with the following exceptions - see [3] and [4].
3. A person may also handle either the audio mixing or video editing. Also, a non-band member may also apply to do the mix or the edit - again, provided they have done the resumé in as per part 1 above (trying to not make this sound like a legal document haha)
4. This cover is interesting as it has backing vocals. Applicants solely for this/these positions will be made open but I think it'd also be cool if any of the band persons want to co-contribute - but if you are male, get ready to be able to do a falsetto!
1. Once the positions in the band have been filled, the recording of the cover shall commence.
2. Following recent points bandied about in the General Discussion thread ( ), some aspects of the recording shall be made slightly more flexible but shall be moderated/facilitated as to not make this project go longer than we like it to be.
3. Band persons, apart from the person on vocal duties, shall record their parts in this order DRUMS -> BASS -> RHYTHM GUITAR -> LEAD GUITAR, with each person having 10 days to complete their part.
4. However, if any of the band persons on a musical instrument want to get on to lay down their tracks earlier than their stipulated time for recording, they are free to get on with it.
5. The vocals and backing vocals are best done last, and preferably done with the actual minus one SHCB mix of the cover as a guiding track (which shall be made available).
6. The recorded audio and video tracks are to be provided in the best ever quality you can muster as this helps greatly with the finished cover.
7. Once you are done with your part please upload the respective files into an easily accessable file-sharing site (eg Mediafire) and post the link in this thread below.
8. Those on an instrument should also include a mix of his/her intrument with those that had been recorded prior to his/her take, so as the next person may do the same. eg the rhythm guitarist sends two files - one of just the rhythm guitar, and another of the rhythm guitar mixed with the bass and drums.
1. Added creative freedom in your playing is encouraged but please keep within the remit of the song. The cover will be done as per the original recording as people to record along the original SCANDAL track. Say that you wanna do a Bonham triplet in the breakbeat where RINA didn't do one, that is fine - but please keep it within the spirit of the song. If it is way out of line (eg a deathcore drum beat is laid down for this sweet girlie girl song), you'll hear from the rest of band haha.
2. Some of you may want tabs for this - please comment below, and I'll make one available *koff* (I have the official band score hehe).
Last edited by kudo_maharizu on Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:48 am; edited 12 times in total