metalleo wrote:
Perhaps, but I don't think so, especially as final sales is not as similar as you think (IMO)
Well I'm going by Wikipedia and I'm not sure where those numbers come from, but for all five previous original albums, the sales listed are 53k, 60k, 56k, 50k, 58k (all rounded off). That's amazingly consistent IMO - I can't think of another band of their size that's had album sales within a 10k spread on five subsequent releases. And there doesn't seem to be a trend - the numbers are up and down within that spread, but the jump from QAT to STANDARD was higher than any previous jump so it seemed like it might have been a real thing (new fans) and not just statistical noise. I think we were all hoping for that.
STANDARD is really an anomaly which I can't really find an argument for,
It seems to just be on the higher end of their 50-60k range.
maharizm wrote:I also hope that the suits in Sony/Epic won't get the girls to devolve to having outside writers again if they think the sales are not good enough.
I feel like this had to be a cheaper album to produce than STANDARD, though, since there aren't any big names attached to the producing or songwriting. Maybe that was the strategy, and it could still end up being more profitable even with sales on the low end of their range. I'm sure the record label would prefer to not have to pay extra for someone like Yasutaka Nakata if they can get close to the same sales anyway.
I do hope they go back to a fall release next year, though. And I'd prefer a different type of cover shot; I like the cover of HW as a photo but I don't feel it functions well as advertising.
This is all Monday morning quarterbacking, of course.