Heyo, mr monkey me got a great idea for yuh!
howzzabout yuh check out their nest gig and then yuh send da email askin when yer could deliver da fan letter to 'em? since yer movin to Tokyo in April rite, i thought tis could be a great idea for yuh! Whaddya think? XD
And yer drawings~PHWOOARR~ yer great artist like that rembrandt dude! <3 if only maboro-man could draw like yuh LULZ XDD
~peace~ \(^u^)/ mabo-monkey saiz hi!
howzzabout yuh check out their nest gig and then yuh send da email askin when yer could deliver da fan letter to 'em? since yer movin to Tokyo in April rite, i thought tis could be a great idea for yuh! Whaddya think? XD
And yer drawings~PHWOOARR~ yer great artist like that rembrandt dude! <3 if only maboro-man could draw like yuh LULZ XDD
~peace~ \(^u^)/ mabo-monkey saiz hi!