RedHamster wrote:Congratulations on reaching Plat .clap. Enjoy your new Morg skin!
Any advice for someone who is terrified of the idea of ranked games? ._.
Ranked games can be a mix of everything, you can definitely encounter some people who are very negative but also have a great time and some really competitive games. I am a very competitive person when it comes to video games and always strive to be the best, in ranked, most of the time, people try their best to win and play as best as they can, so if youre getting crushed in lane, you should be learning something from it as the enemy is more skilled than you. I play ranked to improve my own play and to get better at the game, if you want to do the same I would highly recommend ranked! I'm not dissing normal games but really normals is where people go to play around and try new stuff so I cant really take it seriously and actually really bothers me! You can also play with a friend in ranked and its much more fun! Me and Lexian duo que all the time and have a great time, sometimes when we are on losing streaks I get upset but we still play again the next time with more will to win!