woeaih4 wrote:My cousins don't like this game.. But, I'll try it cuz my classmates play it
For starters like me, which hero would you suggest?
Yea, same thing here, some of my friends dislike this game or never want to try it, while I have some that cannot get enough of it!
As for which heros (also called Champions), it really all depends on your play style. But the easy to learn ones are people like Ashe, Annie, Garen, and Master Yi. (But first try out the free champions first! Maybe you might (Like Leyh) "fall in love" with one!
Whenever you get enough IP (the in-game currency in League Of Legends), check out the shop! Any Champions that is 450 IP or 1350 P are usually easy to use and are good beginner champions.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask!