Next champion: Thresh, The Chain Warden
Representation: Shadow Isles
Role: Ranged; Support, Jungler...pretty much anywhere until further skill modifications.
Premier Release Skin: Deep Terror Thresh (Davy Jones theme)
Representation: Shadow Isles
Role: Ranged; Support, Jungler...pretty much anywhere until further skill modifications.
Premier Release Skin: Deep Terror Thresh (Davy Jones theme)
- Thoughts/First Impressions:
- I think Thresh is a pretty awesome champ. Although he has a pretty high skill-cap and challenging to play for the first time, his kit is "CC Machine". His hook can be a slower blitz pull or you can activate the skill again while hooking to bring yourself to the enemy(similar to Amumu). Lanturn toss is a nice shield and click-to-blink for your allies. 'E' is a neat knock-up that can slightly push or pull enemies, depending on how you cast it. And his ulti is a 99% movement speed slow to an enemy that breaks 1 wall.
So far I've played him as support and actually AD carry/bruiser. As AD Thresh your autos do tons of damage thanks to 200% AD scaling from his Q's passive at max level(inb4 Q nerfs, a la Rengar). As support, you're a pretty big cc threat. Careful when collecting minion/champion souls, sometimes the positioning might not be worth it.
As mentioned, Thresh does not gain armor per level; he is reliant on items and his passive soul collecting for armor and AP.