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Caless Student
Caless Student
I can ask my friend about it. She's one of maid in there. But I can't be sure if she knows anything from the interview

edit: Just checked twitter, seems like they arrived in Japan an hour ago. Rina's tweet 30min ago: また会いに行く行くから待っててね!I LOVE SINGAPORE

And her photo of Merlion!

AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 56990970

edit2: Seems like my friend doesn't know the content of the interview. Sorry

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Hehe looking at their tweets and rina say また会いに行く行くから待っててね!I LOVE SINGAPORE(´ω`)

i was like very happy hope they are coming to SINGAPORE next year

Tomomi 英語喋れるようになりたいなーあーあーあーあーあーあーあーあぁkawaii! XD

AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Dsadasdb


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International Performer
International Performer
EugeneAng wrote:Right,seems like everyone's posting about the concert and not the event itself,so i'ma do the event,aight.Of course,i'll exclude everything non-SCANDAL.

Last thursday we went to receive SCANDAL at the airport with a board that DUMMIbears and the others had made and signed by the present SH members,and it fell to me to be the one to advertise it blatantly when SCANDAL arrived.When they did arrive,they went by quickly,not stopping to take photos or anything,just get to their van quickly.However,i stuck out my arm as far as i could without it snapping lika tree branch,and HARUNA glanced at it and walked past,then RINA glanced at it,looked up at me and asuna respectively and smiled.For some reason her smile then didn't register in my brain.This is pretty much what happened on their first day.I might add that i think they had no makeup on.

And just to add something,ken told us that the girls wanted to start rehearsing straight away when they got to the location,but in the end they went for dinner first,and then started rehearsing till late night.Tough lives,they have.

Anyways,on the next day,Friday,it was their rest day or summink,and they went sightseeing and shopping and stuff,so at least they get to do something relaxing and fun.Saturday,they were in the AFA convention hall for the maid cafe interview.So,we didn't actually know about it until asuna texted me saying that MAMI has tweeted that they're going to have omu rice in the maid cafe.It was then that we zoomed to the cafe and.....Well,to cut a long story short,everyone was spazzing when they walked past us into the cafe,just about a metre in front of us,though they looked tired.So the interview went on inside,blablabla,and then they came out again and it was here where it happened,what i call the staring.Coz right,RINA was walking with her head up and smiling at everyone,so when she looked at me she had this kind of "Eh.....?" look on her face,like she's seen me from somewhere.It was fleeting,and after she eh'ed she smiled at me and well,i was spazzing like the git i am.After that i was thinking that maybe,just maybe,RINA remembers my face from the HK event and from the airport,so she went "Eh....?" is what i think,anyways.Nothing more for the first day of AFA.Oh,ken had an interview with them,for his website, and he said they looked tired during the interview so.....Yeah.Tough lives,eh?

Second and last day of AFA,and the concert in the night.We were milling around the hall as usual when Kai texted me and told me to go to the small stage in the area because SCANDAL were judges for a karaoke event there.So again,we dashed there and got pretty good positions to look at the girls.This is where the staring happens again,coz wj and kaito were making noise after TOMOMI noticed us and smiled at us,and the noise got RINA's attention too.She looked in our direction and smiled and waved but didn't really maintain any eye contact.But,seems to me that throughout the whole karaoke event she kept shifting glances back in our direction and finally looked at me directly.I managed to clunk something into place in my brain and quirked a smile up.She smiled really widely back at me,and well,i was pinching yagi after the smile lol.I was thinking yet again that she remembers my face.So,the event went on and then suddenly Eisuke and another staff member came up on stage and starting singing,and that got the girls laughing.I might add that they looked much more refreshed than the previous day.Anyways,i later found out that Eisuke and the staff member sang to buy the organisers some time to tabulate the scores for the event.So anyways,when SCANDAL presented the certificates of appreciation to the contestants,Eisuke&Co. got one too because they sang,and this was where i shouted "EISUKE KAWAII!!!!!" and that got the girls laughing again,so i was feeling pretty good about that.

So after that they went down from the stage to go back into their quarters,and i noticed that TOMO was slapping some people's hands when they held it out so i thought like,"Why not?" HARUNA and MAMI walked past first,and they didn't look at my hand lol.TOMOMI was the one i hoped would slap my hand,and she did,much to my delight,and immediately after that,RINA slapped my hand too,and then went off without heeding the calls of the other guys holding their hands out.So.............I dun need to go into details about how i reacted,you all can ask asuna,lame,wj,kaito,whoever was present there.It was then that i thought that "Okay,i think she's remembering me from somewhere,else she wouldn't have done that." And yes,i did wash my hand afterwards,because i had to EAT.yagi and the others were pulling at me and wrestling with me after RINA slapped my hand and ignored everyone else,so they all went "EEEEEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEE" so nau i'm thinking,"Hey,maybe nau RINA knows my name!" LOL

Concert,i needn't go into that,it was as usual for SCANDAL,and that means fantastic.My ears are still a little muffled nau lol.

After the concert MAMI tweeted that this was going to be their last day in Singapore,so i checked the JAL schedule and found a flight that leaves today for Tokyo,Narita airport at 0820,which means that the girls will probably be at the airport at 6 plus.

So nau's the airport part.I arrived at the airport at around 5.30am,so i had an hour to play with.I surfed the net on my mobile and checked twitter every 10 minutes to see if MAMI was tweeting anything about going to the airport nau.She didn't.Still,they arrived at the airport at around 6.30am.This was when i found out that i wasn't the only one there sending them off,coz the 3 people sitting right beside me stood up and held up a "I Love SCANDAL" board.The girls looked at it and arigatou-ed.At this point i wanna add that the girls looked tired,quite tired.I was looking at RINA especially,and her eyebags were....well,as bad as mine.Plus they had no makeup on.My bet is that they,like me,stayed up the whole night and preferred to sleep on the plane back instead of sleeping 4 hours and waking up shitfaced and feeling even more lethargic.HARUNA tweeted about having a cocktail at 1.35am.I dun think they have gotten enough sleep,again like me,in the last few days either.

So.....They went to the check-in counter,and these two girls went up to a staff member to ask something,and he in turn asked Eisuke something,he agreed i guess,and then the girl started talking to SCANDAL.She gave them a letter or something,and just talk talk talk talked all the way.By this time i was shitting myself whether or not to go up and ask for a picture or something.I finally decided to ask,so i took my balls out of my pocket and went up to Eisuke.This is how the ensuing conversation went.

Eug: "Ano,suimasen."
Eisuke: "Hai."
Eug: "I'd like to take a picture with the girls,is that okay?"
Eisuke: "Ah,i'm sorry,but you can't.The girls have no makeup on and such."
Eug: "Ah,i can't?"
Eisuke: "Yes,you can't."
Eug: "Okay."

So after that i went back dejected to where i was standing,and continued watching the girl talk to SCANDAL and Eisuke loading the luggage.Then i thought that maybe i can talk to them for a while,too,but i was nervy coz they looked like they might leave any moment.So i hardened my balls again and went up to Eisuke again.

Eug: "Uhm,suimasen.Since i can't take a picture-"
Eisuke: "Yes,you really can't."
Eug: "Yes,i understand that.But is it okay if i talk to them for a little while?"
Eisuke: "I'm afraid that's difficult.The luggage has already been check-ed in."
Eug: "Ah,there's no time,is there?"
Eisuke: "Yes,no more time."
Eug: "Okay,thank you."

So i went back to where i was standing,again,more dejected then ever,and watching the girl talk to SCANDAL for several more minutes,the mouthy git.Then SCANDAL had to leave.My only consolation was that when they turned round to go into the customs they turned to wave at me too,RINA especially,she was facing in another direction initially then she noticed me and turned to wave at me.Dun think she can make out who i am at that distance,though.Maybe?I dunno.

Anyways,so that's that about the sending off part.I think it was a failure on my part,i shoulda gone up to Eisuke early and asked if i can speak to the girls.Still,no use crying over spilled milk.At least i guessed the flight correctly.There'll be other chances i hope.And i also hope that RINA remembers me lol.

All in all,it was a very fun event for SH,and for the girls i think....?

Wow! Great advancement!

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Singapore loves them too .love.

Don't be sad guys. We'll look out for their coming mini-album and more live performances =) And let's all hope they'll be able to have a good rest soon.

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Eugene; does Eisuke speak in english, or was that conversation with him in japanese? =o

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I spoke to him in Japanese.I translated it to English for the forum.

"Bokaru HARUNA desu!"
"Gitaa MAMI desu!"
"Beesu TOMOMI desu!"
"Doraamusu RINA desu!"
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
@eugene ah well, you've already proven yourself to be THE RINAman, whut with all the eye and hand contact [=3

still, i guess they really appreciate that fans actually bothered to send them off so early at the airport.

At least Singapore is registered firmly in their radars now! thanks to a very smelly hippotamus and a vomiting merlion!

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Caless Student
Caless Student
I laughed so hard at the hippo joke by Tomomi. LOL

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International Performer
International Performer
Onion Sigh Onion Sigh
i missed 90% of my life as a SCANDAL fan~
great reviews..i felt like i was there~XDD
ahahahahahahaha~it gave me the chills though~
knowing you guys where that close,and they slapped yer hands~
and EISUKE-san~ TOJ Onion

"...most people die never realizing the dream of their lives...”
AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 URT1EYY
AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Mskdbd
l DeviantArt ll Tumblr l
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Dame I tot they hv left last night right after the concert. If I hv known its this morning, I would hv gone to airport too.

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I couldnt wake up in the morning cos my phone vibrant and drop it on the floor,tats it end up waking up at 7.30 and tot SCANDAL will be inside the transit also decide not to go Sad felt so regret for not seeing them off

AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Dsadasdb


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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
What? they smiled n waved to you guys.. n they slapped your hand for real..


You guys are so lucky.. Ya~ha~..!!

Too bad the sending part was not good..

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Koide Namizo

Koide Namizo

International Performer
International Performer

gurararararara!!!well...for saturday it was a Mami day for me...when I was one step away from Mami I tried to call her and yeah..the eye contact, smile, and wave hand happened...gurarararara!!!

and sunday...Rina waved her hand to me and it recorded on my HANDYCAM!!!gurarararara!!!then during the autograph session..I tried to show the SH board to tomomi...she saw it, try to read it, and smiled at me...GURARARARARARA!!!

and during the concert...when haruna talked to and eugene-boy keep showed our light stick to tomomi...and she smiled to us...gurararararara!!!

well...maybe I didn't get their hand...but what happened to me in AFA X is more than enough for me...XD

well...I should say it since some people said bad thing to eisuke when he was doing a checksound...they said "don't touch mami's guitar YUH stupid..." and something like YUH guys have brain??by making friends with eisuke it can makes us closer to SCANDAL...and maybe SCANDAL will be nothng without please respect him...well..SH peeps at AFA should be know who I mean...Hehee


AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Newsiggy
AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Z
Hehee AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Koidi Hehee
AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Terriermon15
AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Shp
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Downloading now. I will see what I can do

edit: I got hold of a better quality one. Split into 3 parts (Angela, SCANDAL, May'n). Uploading now

Last edited by ultimaxslc on Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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International Performer
International Performer
so thats what happened there. i was curious, and the review is great.
making me more and more want to see them.
Eye contact, Smile, slapped hands.. .love.
thanks guys.

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
ultimaxslc, you just MADE MY DAY!

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I'm SOOOO jealous about all of u guys, c'mon u're sooo damn lucky
saw them and their concert .love.

thanks for the all the reports and this stuff... I was reading and imagining the things...
you have gone through a wonderful day ^^ OMG

hope some day I can see them too .waaa. I'm a little sad about that
why am I not from asia? c'mon, thats unfair .whiteflag.

anyways, congrats guys ;DD

AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Scandaledt

I just love SCANDAL
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Is the link for mp3 only or is there a video?

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Caless Student
Caless Student
mp3 only. It will be too hard to record a video of the live. And it's not me who recorded the audios.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
Thanks for the better quality ultimaxslc. Now I no longer have to strain my ears to hear the performance.

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
12 songs woah!!

and the fact that you guys saw them live.. ish so awesome!!!!

AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Siggyresize
AFA X review - SCANDAL awesome performance in SINGAPORE! - Page 3 Stalkercopy
userbar by KaitoKid
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Caless Student
Caless Student
thx for the upload man .clap.

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Koide Namizo: I agree with you. I think I heard that comment. But where was it coming from? Well... Eisuke-san is just doing his work. He was the one who assisted in bringing our four lovely ladies to Singapore. He deserves some credit too.

ultimaxslc: Thanks to you who uploaded the audio and the person who recorded too. Time for encore (xN) .happy.

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Haha, I think it came from the back. People were getting impatient... they don't understand it's not glamorous if SCANDAL come on stage and have to spend 2 mins to adjust their equipment before the first song =P

Always remember the managers and roadies!

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
eisuke kawaii!! Heck,this live make me like him

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