Shanipika wrote:In Dota, watching Professional match show you how to play well as a team. Sure the player are all good, but it's more the fact that they can work as a team that make those game so much a higher level than what we see on public game. And for me I, personally, don't think watching those help me to play better. In pub, nobody listen to what you say anyway and when I try to explain a strategie to my cousin they don't understand it and do something else most of the time.
Well, it is pretty obvious these professional games are totally different from public games, and teamwork would surely be a key factor to constitute that difference. For me it can be enjoyable to watch games with good teamwork, though. What I have against the international is the multitude of games, often-picked heroes and the irregularity of the outcomes. The number of games just tire me (although this is much less the case for the main event), but also their outcomes. To me, it looks like there is not really a better team out there. One moment they win convincingly, the other moment they are crushed completely. The absence of a supremacy of one team can be favourable, but the irregular playing makes everything so uncertain and unreliable. Totally against my expectations, the games I've seen or heard about weren't that close.
I have to say I really feel the same about applying the things you learn from professional plays in your own playing. In my case, I understand what's going on or how something (like a build) is used, but since I cannot execute it effectively, it makes no sense. Also (because I'm still quite new to the game) adaptability is a skill I completely lack, while professional players should be really skilled in that. I still notice how awkward playing a melee hero is for me, because it totally doesn't match my way of playing. So yea, if you are unaccustomed to a strategy someone proposes in pub, I can imagine some people don't know what to do with it, and consequently don't execute it well. I remember I met a nice player in pub once who coordinated the game really good and in a friendly manner, but I cannot say I was really at ease during that game. ^^ I didn't know if I was playing well/effectively according to their plans because I wasn't used to play like that.
Noodles wrote:now that we've moved into the main event people stick to their standard team compositions and drafts as it is more reliable, we wont see many crazy picks but who knows, IG has been showing some crazy supports like Kunkka and another team also brought out the Juggernaut support and it worked for them.
I would love to see that though... I quite dislike it if certain heroes are picked over and over again, so I hope some obscure ones will be seen as well. I guess the main event would be more "boring" to me in that sense. Anyway, I guess I tune in this weekend to watch something on the newcomers stream, and I hope the games are satisfying.