bababong wrote:Hi, there is a web site that I happen to chance upon is scnadl4gear. Here is the link, I do not know if this might be helpful to you guys in updating this thread. But I have browse this site and I think there seems to be information on haruna's new signiture squier and mami's pink guitar. hope this helps you guys. And I do apologize for a re-post, if someone else has post about the site already. The site is written in japanese, so there will be a need top translate. And I do apologize as I do not understand japanese.
Hope this helps. And stay scandalous.
nice to meet u, bababong!
I already translate that web, not all of them of course, only the gears each members use..
the guy on that web also put my blog link on his web,
u can check it in..
spacecadet wrote:
I recall Mami playing what I thought was a
Jazzmaster during the show, although I don't recall the color either and
I'm 50/50 now on whether that pic you posted is the guitar I saw. I
don't remember there being any design on it like that, and I'm pretty
well-versed on Jazzmasters so I doubt I'd have made such an obvious
mistake in thinking it was one at the show (the guitar above is
JM-shaped, but is obviously neither a JM nor a Jaguar). In fact, I dunno
what that guitar is in the pic - it looks like a JM body with three
Strat or Mustang pickups. Probably not actually a Fender (or Squier),
unless it's custom shop.
I'm really curious now to see it on the
DVD; I'd forgotten about that guitar but after you mentioned her playing
something new, I definitely remembered saying "Mami's playing a
Jazzmaster!" out loud during the show.
nice to meet u,spacecadet!
Thanks for the clue, when I'm googling into few japanese website, some guys said that she use the guitar on 'Pride' song while in Budokan..And Mami usually use Jazzmaster on 'Pride'..or maybe it's Mustang?..Is it Mami playing that guitar while playing 'Pride', spacecadet? I hope u could remember it, thanks for your help..
Actually, the guitar is custom shop, or as per Haruna and Tomomi gets from Squier, their own signature guitar&bass..Haruna and Tomo get them, so I assumed that Mami will get it too.hehe.
Actually,Jazzmaster first appearance is on AniUta 2011,
on that picture is as exactly what u said..Ontama 2011..
Thanks to yoruichi.hehe. I mixed it up too..