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Season 2, Episode 81 blog

Radio Program - 『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Page 9 QHgVTwlB_o

HARUNA: This time, we'd like to read many messages...

Hashi-kun no soba ni wa itsumo ramen

On the night of September 8, the day before "Catch up" comes out, I proposed to my girlfriend, whom I went to KARAOKE Night with.

She and I were both teachers at the elementary school where I work, and now she works at a different school.

HARUNA: Ah, so that means...

All: Hey! Teacher!

MAMI: That was close...

RINA: It's a trap...

As I listen to this episode, I'm very curious about what I'm feeling while writing this email. I love all of SCANDAL's songs, and I played "LOVE ME DO" as background music while writing my proposal letter. I hope that my girlfriend and I, after five years of dating, can attend a concert as a married couple. I don't know what the outcome will be, but I hope to send an update! Thank you for all the smiles!

MAMI: What's going on...??

TOMOMI: I don't know.

RINA: But I have a good feeling about it... They've been together for five years.

HARUNA: That's right.

MAMI: But some time has passed.

Staff: We received this message at the beginning of September.

RINA: Haven't we received an update?

Staff: We haven't...

HARUNA: It's been about a month.

RINA: I wonder what happened. I want to know.

TOMOMI: I'm looking forward to an update.

HARUNA: Please send one.

RINA: I'm excited.

TOMOMI: I'm so happy to get these kinds of messages...

RINA: They've really increased, huh?

MAMI: Yeah.

HARUNA: We'll send you a sticker of encouragement.


I'm sending my first message with a report and gratitude. I'm dating someone I got to know during the LUMINOUS tour. We're the same sex, by the way.

We didn't know each other until the LUMINOUS tour, but there were several photos of us together, one at each end of a group photo, and it was strange to think that we'd actually been near each other for a few years. We have completely different hobbies and interests, and the only thing we have in common is that we're both SCANDAL fans. I'm really happy and pleased that we've been able to become this close through that commonality.

Thank you for this wonderful encounter. I'll treasure this bond that we've made thanks to SCANDAL. I'm really looking forward to going to BEST Xmas with her for our first Christmas.

TOMOMI: That makes me happy...

RINA: So cute. Congratsー

HARUNA: It's nice when you realize later that you were in the same group photo.

TOMOMI: It isー

RINA: It feels like fate!

TOMOMI: I want to experience something like that.

HARUNA: It's like, "Oh, you were there!"

TOMOMI: That's nice. It makes my heart flutter.

MAMI: Let's have a great Christmas.

TOMOMI: Right? I want to read more messages like this!

Radio Program - 『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Page 9 39iLxaW

2011.7.3 AM2 2012.3.28 SCANDAL vs BUDOKAN 11.3+4 QAT Tour @名古屋 11.10 Happy MUSIC Live 2012 2013.3.3 SCANDAL OSAKA-JO HALL 2013 2014.6.1 HNL Ekiden & Music 2014 6.2 Fan Meeting 2015 HELLO WORLD @ Paris - London - Essen - Chicago - MEX - LA - Anaheim 2016.1.12+13 PERFECT WORLD 5.21 Welcome Fan Meeting 5.22 HNL Ekiden & Music 2016 5.23 Farewell Fan Meeting 8.21 SCAFes 2017.7.14 47 Prefecture Tour @ 茨城 - 水戸 - 東京 2018 Special Thanks @NY - SF - Anaheim - MTY - MEX - Dallas 2022 MIRROR @Toronto - NY - Boston - Atlanta 2023 UU @ 福岡 - 東京 08.21 Sekai Ichi 2024 LUMINOUS @ 名古屋 - 横浜 - 大阪 - 奈良
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【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 81

Radio Program - 『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Page 9 MJa38vEw_oRadio Program - 『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Page 9 Koebe0sm_o

•The episode starts with this.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who attended KARAOKE Night and admits they were one of the people who couldn't raise their hands when the audience was asked who listens to "Catch up." Regretting not listening, they decided to go and listen from the very beginning. The band laughs and says that they put a lot of pressure on those who don't listen. At the end of their message, they mention that their favorite bands before SCANDAL were KAT-TUN and Radwimps (as part of the old "SCANDAL, Sono Mae ni"/"Life Before SCANDAL" segment). They laugh and MAMI wonders what generation they're part of. HARU thinks it's close to theirs. TOMO says that that that "Life Before SCANDAL" segment no longer exists, which makes HARU laugh.

•RINA reads the next message from a listener who says they've loved SCANDAL since they were 13 and are 26 now. They basically talk about how they now go to concerts with their friends after going alone at first, and that SCANDAL has supported them all their life + thanks them for continuing to be a band. The band thanks them and RINA says that it's nice to be told thanks for continuing to be a band, and that they want to say thank you for always listening to them amidst all of the other many interesting artists that are around.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener who listened to RINA's solo episodes and says that they felt a sense of nostalgia in a good way, reminiscent of the radio shows they used to listen to frequently. They of course love the group episodes, but they feel that having solo episodes occasionally enhances the charm of "Catch up" even more for listeners who are older like them. They say that they'd love to hear solo eps from the other members as well. Ohno says this message was send during the first few solo eps. HARU says that TOMO did it first, then RINA, then HARU, then MAMI. TOMO says the listener should listen to her episodes, which they all laugh at. HARU says that hers were more of playing around. TOMO agrees and says that it was mostly just throwing paper airplanes and not much talking. HARU mentions that preview clips of episodes have started being posted recently, which allows you to get a sense of the show's vibe more. And since they're in their fifth year, they hope they can continue to explore different ways to keep "Catch up" going.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener who basically says that they currently have over 300 SCANDAL t-shirts. The band is surprised and wonders if they've even released that many. TOMO says they must have bought all sizes from small to XL, which makes the band laugh. The listener also asks if they could sell shirts in larger sizes like 2XL and wouldn't mind paying more for it. The band says that they have been getting a lot of requests for larger sizes recently. RINA says that they do have some MANIA shirts for this current tour in 2XL (the long-sleeve logo one). They basically say that they will discuss it with their office and see.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who is writing in for love advice. They confessed to a woman they recently met but got rejected. They were talking about how the listener would buy her a souvenir from their favorite band's concert in Tokyo. When they called her, she said she would accept it. They thought, since they're bringing a souvenir, they could also grab a meal, and they wanted to see her again. However, she ignored them this time. They know they shouldn't reach out, but they still want to talk to and see her. They're frustrated and ashamed with themself. They also say that if this message is read, then this will be the second time they've received love advice from the band; their first message was read at a public radio recording about 10 years ago. The band is surprised and wonders what that topic was at the time. MAMI recaps/summarizes what the listener wrote, and RINA wonders if the listener just wanted to get a souvenir for themself, so when they thought about meeting the woman, it made them feel worse. MAMI laughs. They basically say that there are people that are better suited for the listener out there, and to use this time to focus on and grow themself.

•RINA reads the last message from a listener who is sending a message just to let them know what they've been catching up on, and say that they recently went to see a band for the first time that a friend from middle school is in. It had been 13 years since they last saw them, and seeing their friend, who had always wanted to pursue music since middle school, now at 35 years old as a cool band member brought tears to their eyes. They hadn't viewed aging very positively before, but meeting their friend made them realize there are many experiences that you can only have by getting older. RINA basically says that that's great, and that life after 35 can really sparkle with new possibilities since you have more freedom with time and money than you did when you were younger.

•HARU talks about how she recently had a similar experience and was LINE'd by a classmate from her third year of middle school. Mostly everyone has stayed in touch with each other since they're still in their hometown, but HARU wasn't since she moved away after high school. Back then, they had still used flip phones, and HARU hadn't shared her contact info after switching to a smartphone and so had completely lost touch with everyone. But one day she suddenly received a DM from a classmate and mentioned that they had a small reunion this summer and that her name had come up, which led her to being invited back into the group. She says it made her really happy. One friend had even digitalized old photos and purikura from back in the day. The band laughs and RINA says that there's always someone who keeps things like that safe. HARU says that seeing those photos made her realize how thin her eyebrows were back then. They laugh and say that that was the era back then. TOMO says that trends like that can come back around. HARU says that she thought those connections were gone, but when they said they'd reach out for the next reunion, it made her realize that as we age, such opportunities can come up.

•TOMO mentions that when it was announced that she would be a tourism ambassador for Kakogawa, she received a ton of DMs from old friends. She keeps in touch with most of them regularly, but some whom she hadn't spoken to in a while, including some from elementary school, reached out to her. It made her happy to know they were still following her and cheering her on. RINA says that she feels like it's easier now to talk to old classmates; it's like the stress from work has eased up a bit, so there's a more relaxed vibe now. Growing older definitely makes it easier to communicate. She also says that there are joys and fun experiences that you can only appreciate as you get older, which she thinks is a good thing.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here.

I've updated the guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Radio Program - 『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Page 9 AtNT0wux_t Radio Program - 『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Page 9 W8YA0tQE_t

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup

Radio Program - 『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Page 9 39iLxaW

2011.7.3 AM2 2012.3.28 SCANDAL vs BUDOKAN 11.3+4 QAT Tour @名古屋 11.10 Happy MUSIC Live 2012 2013.3.3 SCANDAL OSAKA-JO HALL 2013 2014.6.1 HNL Ekiden & Music 2014 6.2 Fan Meeting 2015 HELLO WORLD @ Paris - London - Essen - Chicago - MEX - LA - Anaheim 2016.1.12+13 PERFECT WORLD 5.21 Welcome Fan Meeting 5.22 HNL Ekiden & Music 2016 5.23 Farewell Fan Meeting 8.21 SCAFes 2017.7.14 47 Prefecture Tour @ 茨城 - 水戸 - 東京 2018 Special Thanks @NY - SF - Anaheim - MTY - MEX - Dallas 2022 MIRROR @Toronto - NY - Boston - Atlanta 2023 UU @ 福岡 - 東京 08.21 Sekai Ichi 2024 LUMINOUS @ 名古屋 - 横浜 - 大阪 - 奈良
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