SeleneUsagi wrote:everyday, every time I heard SCANDAL songs, specially when I are stressful .clap.
But I have to listen the songs with earphones because my sisters are anti-SCANDAL and they said to my mom and she scold me she said that their music is noisy .scared.
Sometimes I put their songs in a high volume and when their come I just said:
"esto es SCANDAL y es mi banda favorita, cual es su problema? si a ustedes no les gusta simplemente vayanse y dejen de molestarme ya?"
("this is SCANDAL and this is my favorite band whats your problem if you don't like it just go away and don't bother me ok?" )
I'm very proud to be a SCANDAL fan :onionrider:
OMG YOUR MUM IS EXACTLY LIKE MINE!!! she asks me to turn my music down... even with SCANDAL.... .wew. I wish my parents were proud of the fact that I listen to "better music"