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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
They are the FIRST BAND that I got addicted too!. And I would love to hear them even after 10 or 20 years.. .love.

Seriously, if they are this great now, what more in the future..They would totally live their title as the "Most Powerful Japanese Female Band"!..And even more!..

I couldn't really imagine the future right now,
I guess I would really shed tears for them if they disbanded but still happy for them because they've been a great inspiration for many (well, to me they are..Hehe, I really looked up to them) even at a young age..That's an achievement for a lifetime!. ∩( ・ω・)∩

Well, that's for the future.. In the meantime, I will enjoy every bit of their music and PVs!.. Onion Love Love

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
If Scandal would still be around after 10 or 20 years .... I would still listen to their songs and will still be a source of my inspiration

After 10 or 20 years I would look back to their songs and videos and say to myself that Scandal is truly the best Female Band in the world

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Well, I don't think they will keep performing after 10 or 20 years, because they may wanna have families, kids, husbands ....

Yes , I'll keep listening to them

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International Performer
International Performer
mody-kun wrote:Well, I don't think they will keep performing after 10 or 20 years, because they may wanna have families, kids, husbands ....

Yes , I'll keep listening to them

But there are bands are their who still play after their married and have kids even with the lady drummer from Maximum the Hormone who had a baby boy last year and is still continuing with the band activites

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 Hhxqn11
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bleachnlife wrote:
mody-kun wrote:Well, I don't think they will keep performing after 10 or 20 years, because they may wanna have families, kids, husbands ....

Yes , I'll keep listening to them

But there are bands are their who still play after their married and have kids even with the lady drummer from Maximum the Hormone who had a baby boy last year and is still continuing with the band activites

Really??? oh that's cool

but anyway, I don't think they will keep performing when we reach that time

I'll keep listening to 'em

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Of course I will listen to them. They will become legends. I just hope that they will continue to play after so many years have passed.

SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 Aot
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International Performer
International Performer
in 10-20 years, I will be in my around 30-40 years old. It will be a sad day for me if they ever disband or replace someone. SCANDAL has changed my life, so yes, of course I will listen to them. Maybe by then, they will be really popular in the US as well, and they will tour here more.

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Yes I am
Posted Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:30 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Yes. Ofcourse. Even if it took more than 30 years. I would still listen to their music. I think age would not a big factor if you really love something.

I could say SCANDAL Band and my Heart had a strong connection <3 !!

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Caless Student
Caless Student
SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 450165 i will heard,learn their song and support them all my heart

SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 450165
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International Performer
International Performer
10 to 20 years from now... I guess I will still listen to them since I have some of their CDs. Haha LOL. But seriously, I will definitely still listen to them even if they, and I have our own families, since they are the very first band that I'm a hardcore fan of. And let's admit it, good music will always leave a lasting impression on us. As an example, I'm still listening to The Eagles, Air Supply and Michael Learns To Rock until now, and to songs my parents listen to, which I have known at a very young age as influenced by my siblings (they were 10-8-6 years older than me respectively, so yeah, you get the idea of my musical exposure hahaha) and if these guys still has an impact on me after all those years (15-17 years .wtf. ), so why not SCANDAL? Haha. I guess it will take longer than that. Peace Onion

SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 Haruka10
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International Performer
International Performer

SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 Sign10
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Caless Student
Caless Student
No Changed at all

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Caless Student
Caless Student
Of course I will still be listening to their songs after 10-20 years.

They will always be in my <3

Where can I watch some of their interviews or fanvids with eng sub? TIA. :D

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
When I like something I'll usually stick to it. That said though, I'm a pretty new fan of SCANDAL and I haven't even heard all their current work.

But in 20-30 years, well let's say they do still perform live and give out an album every 2 years or so, I guess I wouldn't update on them in terms of news and stuff like that but I'd just try to get ahold of their new albums now and then. Who knows though.

SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 0fPdnZt
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
YES. as long as they are alive :D I'll listen to them.

SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 Vlcsna10 SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 Vlcsna11

SCANDAL.MAMI  .smile. 
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Caless Student
Caless Student
I will still listen to their songs even if they are granny's. Hahaha.

Can't imagine them being that old. Hahahaha. XD

SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 16159_11
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Of course I will listen to them, since i think this is the first time I've become a fan for a band and get kinda addicted to it.

I even let one of my colleague who never listen to their songs, listen to their Shunkan Sentimental and what a surprise because he said their music was good....

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Always :onionrider:

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
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Definitely. It's like when my parents still listen to Beatles or other old school music even now. They love a band, they still listen to it even if the band's already disbanded or inactive of some sort.

I love Scandal, and I will still listen to them until the day I can no longer listen to anything. 約束です。 .uhuh.

.omg.SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2
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International Performer
International Performer
20, or even 10 years is a lot in a life so i don't know.

10 years ago i was listening all the time (like 24/7...) to Blink 182 but nowadays i don't anymore. Why ? Well not because i don't like it anymore, the songs are still awesome but simply because life goes on and you can't listen to the same music all the time over and over again, you want to find out new music, etc.

That being said i still listen to them a few times per year but just not on loop 24/7 ^^ So for Scandal i suppose it's gonna be the same in 10 years i will surely listen to them from times to times and enjoy their music but not put them on loop 24/7 anymore i guess! Unless they have a new album that comes out so i'll do it again SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 12776

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Yes, I still listen to my favorites band from almost 10 years ago, so I'll do the same with Scandal, ofcourse I won't do it as much as I'm doing it now, but still, they are one of my favorite bands, and they'll always be.

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Hell yeah! I'll keep listening to them till i go deaf, even if it's only one song once in a while (cuz sometimes i give a little more attention to new songs that i find), their the band that pulled me out of my American pop listening days (which i only listened to cuz i was depressed) and helped me get through my middle schools feeling somewhat better about myself. So I'll definitely listen to them for life, and tell my kids about them too just like how my mom hooked me on music from the 80's .love.

Jpop kicks American music's ass .bleh. but SCANDAL rules them all
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I think I would. Actually I still listen to some of the bands I listened 15 or 20 years ago, so why not SCANDAL to SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 924158

SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 Ergo_o10
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I will always listen to them even hundred years! my quotes words is go for extreme never let yourself be a half asses. once I live for them, I will always be the fan of SCANDAL!

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I've listen to good music of the past from Mozart to Frank Sinatra to Queen to Tupac to Linkin Park. If it was good music back then, it will always be good in the future. Scandal makes good music, so I'll listen to them now and on and on years from now .uhuh.

SCANDAL 10-20 years from now - Would you still watch and listen to them? - Page 2 Cute15
Wish I could find a ninja girl like her .love.
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