GeoFreak wrote:Just finished FFXIII over the weekend. Overall, it was great, probably my favorite Final Fantasy so far, with XII close behind. The battle system is really fun, and most of the characters are enjoyable. I'll probably try to finish as many missions as I can, but I don't think I'm hardcore enough to get all the ultimate weapons to get the platinum trophy.
I'll buy FFXIII-2 eventually, when it's cheaper. From what I've heard, the battle system is even better, so I look forward to that!
Oh awesome, another fan of XIII. It's always good when I hear someone appreciate XIII. I never did all the extra quests. I always wanted to, but never found the time. Now any spare time I have, I use it to play new games like XIII-2.
Maybe I'll get to it eventually. It's funny how you say "most of the characters." Are you referring to Hope? Because honestly I wanted to ...*trails off on a rant*
His character development was good though. I think all their character developments were good. If you didn't like Hope in XIII, he gets SOOOO much better in XIII-2. I won't say anything...just that he's
- Spoiler:
25 and pretty badass
when you run into him.
Battle system IS better. I love it! :D
leachim_paloyz15 wrote:Lucky you. xD xD
Yeah, I just went to a gaming store, I was happy to see the PS3's price drop. xD
What really made my day yesterday is knowing that FFXIII-2 has already been released! ^^
Now I'm pushing my parents to buy me a package. (Not going well though..) xD xD
Well, as long as Lightning's in it.. Even if the story's a bit wonky I'm still going to play it.. ^^
Hope that works well for you!!
Haha, Lightning is in it. I just wish she was in it MORE!
Though I can't complain about her voice. Lightning has a lot of lines in the game. Somewhat like a narrator...
somewhat and I love Lightning's voice actress (Ali Hillis for the English version) so that keeps me at bay