SHSB 18 Jan 1:18 GMT+8 wrote: EugeneAng: Do you,rollingproject,swear to stop rolling,pick up Koide,in death and illness,and he/she to be your lawful wedded something?
EugeneAng: By the way,if you say no,you're banned.
EugeneAng: just saying,dun get nervous.
rollingproject i-----i d---oo-----oooo..
EugeneAng: Good!
rollingproject: ohh,just ban me.!!!hahaha
EugeneAng: Will you,Koide,swear to stop salivating over Weng Je for one day and consummate your marriage as is in the customary fashion by high fiving this unstoppable rolling tumbling rollingproject?
rollingproject: what have i done!
koide namizo: D< I can't marry heart hurts because of torres's pic...D<
rollingproject: yeah!!!!!i knew it!!!
koide namizo: lighstick... D<
rollingproject: thanks MAMI!!!
EugeneAng: Do you or do you not,Koide?Remember the BanHammer?
koide namizo: @eugene-boy : but...the lightstick me... D<
EugeneAng: I sure think it's bigger than the lightstick over thar.
EugeneAng: rollingproject doesn't care about size,as long as you care about him.
rollingproject: eug dont pile it up. its enough. OTZ
EugeneAng: Hurry up man,i want my supper!
EugeneAng: And rollingproject wants lightstick,cmon!
koide namizo: @eugene-boy : tell me I will turn into a lightstick if I marry rp...TELL ME!!!
EugeneAng:Yes,yes,i will use my hammer to transform you.What colour do you want?
ftorres: he wants orange, i bet.
EugeneAng: Okay,purple it is.
rollingproject: no,green.
EugeneAng: /whimwhamwhumzimzamzum
koide namizo: orange!!!so MAMI will put me..I mean the lightstick on her mouth...OK!!II SAY YES!!!time to kiss my groom???
EugeneAng: Okay it's done,it's exactly the colous you wanted.
EugeneAng: Yes,kiss him and smooch the wind outta him please.