doesnt matter!
human is human !
i will marry MAmi one day!
human is human !
i will marry MAmi one day!
SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? [Page 2 of 4]
oddie wrote:doesnt matter!
human is human !
i will marry MAmi one day!
porcupine_tree wrote:Well, to be honest being Catholic I'm actually insulted that the girls were using the rosary as a fashion accessory and that really upsets me... the rosary is a sacred and fundamental part of Catholicism (and perhaps Christianity as a whole I guess) and it is used to bless the sick and dying, and also in prayer when we recite the Rosary. Overall, what I'm saying is that the rosary should be treated with respect and reverence not as some fashion trend of the week to be discarded when one tire of it. I've lost a little respect for SCANDAL, irregardless of the Japanese religious subculture. Sorry guys, it's my own view so don't get mad (although some of you might)
rollingproject wrote:uhm, i guess there's a saying in japan that they are "born Shinto,marry a Christian and die a Buddhist".
but im 70% sure that they would marry in a Christian way, cause every girl is always fascinated with the light-colored flowing gown.hahaha!
Koide Namizo wrote:Heso...!!!oddie wrote:doesnt matter!
human is human !
i will marry MAmi one day!
sorry man...YUH are 900000 steps behind me... .bleh.
btw I'm agree with what rp said...they are "born Shinto,marry a Christian and die a Buddhist".
almost all japanese are shinto...but almost all of them too alway celebrating xmas...gurararara!!
dubbi wrote:For me SCANDAL is my Religion
Wow, didn't you read another posts?coolpanda wrote:All of they are catholic ?
Jerec wrote:I think most of the youth in Japan are mostly unreligious and only take part in religious (mostly Shinto) activity as part of cultural tradition.
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