Working hard~(^^;Heーllo☆!゛
Rina hereヾ(・A・○)♪
We have band practice this weekend~☆
Things we need to do are always increasing and piling up!
I finished one song this week. The drums are so cool☆haha☆←(If I'm successful(haha))
Please come and watch us on X'mas to see just how much Sukyandaru has grown since HEAVY RHYTHM(>_<)
And, for third year middle schooler Rina, the live + exams are drawing near(^^;
I'm making sure to do my best with studying for exams!☆ Today's picture is what Tomo wrote for me(*PqVu☆)
Ah☆ Also, when I've been writing lyrics lately, I haven't really been able to find good words to use(^^;
That's why I'll read tons of books☆!
If you have any recommended books, please share them with me(+_+)
Okay~That's it for today☆!
Bye byーーーe bД^
2006-12-11 12:25