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Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XNYXX4zl_o

SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ Sendai Rensa

Supposed setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of it, please put it under a spoiler)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 223Ci0Qb_t

SCANDAL: 「Performance #8 of our tour, Sendai.
Thank you very much to everyone who came out. It was such a happy atmosphere!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JHYmLDMj_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HIDYRZ3L_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN L5BNapWH_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XNYXX4zl_t

TOMOMI: 「Thanks, Sendai🫶
Too good!!!!!
I want to live here!!!!!

Tomorrow is Aomori🍎

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RAPppcjt_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HAV6NJw5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Awg0UwTX_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NOSQBN6w_t

HARUNA: 「Thanks, Sendai〜! The city, people, and concert were awesome🫶 We ate beef tongue for lunch and dinner!!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Zszl5AiA_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2Bn1SLpQ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1Sm1roKZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 41VtGP2U_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN H8S0cD6q_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6iqwKk6K_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1hZKyOrp_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 8I8t1zsc_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN P4qN5g1y_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TF983EvV_t

RINA: 「Sendai, performance #8 of our tour. This is another city full of memories. We've done all kinds of live performances here. Today, when the floor was lit up brightly, I could see the whole place at once, and I was really glad that each of person were able to have fun in their own way. I felt my eyes watering every time my name was called. It was a new, wonderful atmosphere that couldn't have been created in the past. I'm glad that I'm still so moved by it. Thank you.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GgQDzNjD_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y3NzcO60_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NZcGx5md_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PCZgotV5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EHCvGJo4_t

MAMI: 「SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" 🪼 Sendai Rensa
Thanks to everyone who came out🐄🌾
It was a night that made me realize again that people have reaーーーlly listened to this album a lot😭
Eh, something good happened⁉⁉⁉ We finished the biggest job of the century⁉⁉⁉ We won the lottery⁉⁉(?)
Everybody looked so nice, so I was really happy〜〜😍🪽
It was a great Friday night👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you♡
We're playing in Aomori today🪽🫧
Let's make it a hot night〜😍😍😍

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ Sendai Rensa  Replies: 24  Views: 5939
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XK7LTJo5_o


Supposed setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of it, please put it under a spoiler)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Fzeb2GPb_t

SCANDAL: 「Performance #7 of our tour, Mito・Ibaraki.
LIGHT HOUSE really is an exciting venue. It's awesome being close to the audience!
Thank you very much to everyone who came out.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Agefkdc6_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QBgCBhMq_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XK7LTJo5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UBt1QKk1_t

TOMOMI: 「Thanks, Mito〜!!!!!!
We were all so close to each other♨♨♨
We were as red as a lobster♨♨♨

Tomorrow is Sendai🚗

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AGNjOxvl_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CNQXZeFQ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MgV229bg_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 53VFTwhH_t

HARUNA: 「Thanks, Mito〜🫶 Our first time back at LIGHTHOUSE in a while - We were so close to everyone〜! It was a hot, awesome night!! We'll be back in Ibaraki in July for Lucky Fes✨

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FZQFxSyv_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WJ3TtdlT_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Weo8mbio_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ER6qdbwd_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CjYezGu9_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IzimJP1o_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FRtvjv7x_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Oe6tt6E9_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 0jknwMll_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TZ6LZzGy_t

RINA: 「Mito, performance #7 of our tour. We were close enough to everyone that we could touch one another if we just reached out our hands. On this day I felt so much attention being paid to my hands and feet as I performed, and I thought a lot about how I needed to play carefully. I was so happy everyone drenched in sweat and letting loose and enjoying themselves. I'm glad that we put in the extra effort and decided to play in small venues. Thank you very much. We'll be back in Ibaraki in July for Lucky Fes '24.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LBbgkbk8_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN URXK4yh7_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6UpgqE6z_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 9BuZ3oc6_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3ughJc5S_t

Thanks to everyone who came out🍎✨
The distance between the stage and the audience was so close, right⁉⁉⁉😍
Everyone returned home feeling as if they had just taken a bath
You guys didn't catch a cold, right⁉⁉⁉
Thanks so much for a super hot night🫧🪽
Thank you♡
Today is Sendai〜‼‼‼
Let's make today another fun night〜😍😍😍

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN C8gRcNhZ_o


Supposed setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of it, please put it under a spoiler)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5iI4z8E5_t
SCANDAL: 「Performance #6 of our tour, Takamatsu.
Although it was our first time in Takamatsu in 5 years, it was a red-hot, amazing night!
Thank you very much to everyone who came out.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN C8gRcNhZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7I5GXDAy_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TuhfmKtr_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Q7r6Vk7q_t

TOMOMI: 「Thanks, Takamatsu!
Everyone's enthusiasm made it feel like a sauna!
We're all set🧖‍�♨

Next is Mito!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NccNmHJ7_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6tkONngb_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PZUgPfGa_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JtwcMhpe_t

HARUNA: 「Thanks, Takamatsu🫶 It was so hot and passionate and awesome〜!! We went to eat curry udon afterwards〜 So good〜!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IYGjRaDB_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ACYBfNNi_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN V91WrhXe_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZYXQufmg_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Iwe4wm3B_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Qmc24s1C_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NNv9Xm5B_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FBFBCeyV_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3pjh0UsA_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN M2j3b7nK_t

RINA: 「Takamatsu, performance #6 of our tour. There was so much excitement and heat even before we hit the stage, and I was very happy that I could feel the anticipation. Halfway through, the air conditioning breaker on the floor tripped, making the space incredibly hot and humid. But I think it would have been crazy even if it hadn't tripped. This tour's giving us a fresh perspective, and I'm happy I get to make lots of eye contact with the audience while playing. I want to do everything I can that day and give it all back. It was a good night. Thank you.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QF2rNybt_o

SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ Kumamoto B9.V1

Supposed setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of it, please put it under a spoiler)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ak8xgoGb_t

SCANDAL: 「Performance #4 of the tour, Kumamoto.
We were able to come back to Kumamoto for the first time in 7 years!
Thank you very much to everyone who came out.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OstViRPx_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 406GNY4g_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN T1CEG9fj_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QF2rNybt_t

TOMOMI: 「Thanks, Kumamoto!
It was such a great night with a cheerful atmosphere🌙 Love
It was also fun to take a walk around the area I went to on a family trip in January🚶‍�

Next up is Okayama🍑

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 77PaR76k_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ivw8tAIV_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN H9E7yT9b_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FRa2f9dV_t

HARUNA: 「Thanks, Kumamoto〜! I'm glad we got to come back here for the first time in forever! It was so much fun🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZknuKzzg_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZtuqGzyc_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1LsPV20L_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JbzKxAPe_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LgqIpTHd_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SrAYUQOb_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YarQ0QMZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RPmpSRnN_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DNtqIUxU_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZM3HmWBq_t

RINA: 「Performance #4 of the tour was Kumamoto. I'm glad that we brought this album with us on this trip to see each other again after several years of growing up together. It made me really happy to see that you're all doing very well and listen a lot to our songs. May the memories of this night be a good luck charm for tomorrow. Thank you, thank you.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YQH1oMMD_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN X8MY4PRt_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NXip9K9O_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6du1l44M_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Q76HtFbh_t

MAMI: 「SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" 🪼 Kumamoto B.9 V1
Thanks to everyone who came out‼✨
Everyone in Kumamoto had such a sense of unity that I thought they were all friends(?)
Thanks so much for spending a fun night with us🤍💎
Thank you♡
We suddenly got some dango when we finished singing🙂↕
They were🌹✨ the best…🙂↕💄
I also ate chikuwa salad‼‼‼‼
I also ate menchi katsu (minced meat cutlet)‼‼‼‼
は ('ha' in hiragana)⁉ ハ ('ha' in katakana)⁉ Ha (葉; leaf)⁉💦 Ha (歯; tooth)⁉ [she's trying to say 'It was'] so good℡😡‼‼
I want to go to Mt. Aso㌔、I just want to (lol)🥵💎💦
The last photo is of me being surprised at just the right time😉
Tomorrow is Okayama😍😍😍

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AYqupEdO_o


Supposed setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of it, please put it under a spoiler)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QF8rsljF_t

SCANDAL: 「Performance #3 of the tour, Fukuoka day 2.
Thank you so much to everyone who came. These two days in Fukuoka were both completely different and amazing nights!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YGi2NxOw_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LHGaW5KU_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AYqupEdO_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JRgEi151_t

TOMOMI: 「Fukuoka day 2, thanks〜🫶❤🔥

So happy we got to see everyone's faces clearly!
A beloved city to us no matter how many times we come here🥹

Also, the anime "HIGHSPEED Étoile" starts airing today!
Air times and dates vary depending on the region, so please check it out!
I'll be watching, too🏁💘

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GK5KEC7w_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Eh7AAJl9_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GEiTLeQq_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN K6syEKhV_t

HARUNA: 「Fukuoka day 2, thanks〜🫶 Fukuoka is always so much fun and I love it!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DSRTTAUD_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Z8FhS9Hy_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ImTgvu5h_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BLfQLHGk_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN E9Y7nd6g_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GVsC6BRr_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KiiKnpAn_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PLUM8vRD_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Fktu7hps_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AjA58Wp9_t


Fukuoka‼︎ Thanks so much for these two days🫧🪼♡
Those who came out, were you able to have fun? How was it?
These 2 days in Fukuoka really were so hot…🥲✌
We're really close to the audience at some venues on this tour, so we're able to see everyone's expressions clearly,
And there are people are singing the lyrics to the songs on LUMINOUS, which is so touching🥲
It makes MAMI-chan happy
To know that our music are a part of your lives😍‼
Thank you so much for making time to come see us on a weekday night🤍
Tomorrow is Kumamoto🧸‼
Can't wait〜ー😍😍😍
(Those coming, how about coming with me🚕the following day🎡to Harmonyland💎❓😀💦 lolol)」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 8ba0Zjgk_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BXeVKG7u_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EzXyDDXL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MmOrVkeK_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FUb6LFBr_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TiLAlNGp_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O2PvxU79_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JrxKNzES_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YrpvPBu6_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WPTPcS4U_t

RINA: 「Fukuoka day 2. Concerts are really interesting because the same place can have a completely different atmosphere. I feel happy when I see them listening carefully and their excited expressions. The floor was sparkling the entire time. It makes me very happy that you guys each have fun in your own ways. We went all out today as well. Thank you for the wonderful night. We're still going here and there around the country. Please look forward to more overseas performances as they're unveiled.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XkA7V0Em_o


Supposed setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of it, please put it under a spoiler)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NA1TJT9y_t

SCANDAL: 「Thank you so much to everyone who came out to the second performance of the tour, day 1 in Fukuoka. Our first time in 7 years at DRUM LOGOS was the best!
Today is day 2, so please come by!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XkA7V0Em_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN C10IyBgJ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QVUK2ios_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FvWW3vrI_t

TOMOMI: 「Fukuoka day 1, thanks〜🫶

Way happy that we're playing in Fukuoka tomorrow too❤🔥

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CkrdC0Jo_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN W8x5f6xU_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN B3emHJSy_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Sx6URvhQ_t

HARUNA: 「Fukuoka day 1, thanks〜! So happy we got to see everyone having fun🥰 We'll do our best today too!!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 96vkrY5b_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BFGo7WBM_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN R6R5T4Vy_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YDkDxEeX_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RT9w7Xmt_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RmoED6qk_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5qUG2PHY_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2Bt84dGw_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 0Ea6NkMM_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VTrbg5Cv_t

RINA: 「Fukuoka day 1. A red-hot night. Our first time playing in 7 years at the music club we went to on our 47-prefecture tour. There were still a lot of people who went to that concert, and there was about the same amount of people seeing us for the first time. How did they find out about us? I was really happy and my heart was full as we talked. We carefully perform each and every song with all kinds of feelings. We were full of gratitude today as well. We'll do our best tomorrow, too.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ARzwIePi_o

SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ Hiroshima Club Quattro, April 2

Supposed setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of it, please put it under a spoiler)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN M2JZcuGd_t

SCANDAL: 「The tour's finally kicked off with the performance in Hiroshima!
Thank you so much to everyone who came out.
We'll be touring all over Japan, so please come to a performance close to you✴︎」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ARzwIePi_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AHqB2exj_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O6gDk0zl_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HwBQQks9_t

TOMOMI: 「Thanks, Hiroshima!
The reason why it was a great night from the very first day was because everyone in Hiroshima is amazing🍋

Photography is allowed at the very end of the performances on this tour,


So please use this tag when posting🪼」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GPfpLHe8_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LCoyME4d_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ABLk1Ch5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JyvySl4F_t

HARUNA: 「Opening day in Hiroshima was such a great night〜!
I realized again that I really like the songs on this album〜. Thank you to everyone who came out!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ByUUAKoG_tTopics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 33rphEg0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KtuvCKv0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OPieOTtm Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EZS3TVyv_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZbUgoTs6_t


It's finally begunー!
Opening day in Hiroshimaー!
Thanks so much to everyone who came out🪼✨

Hearing the songs from LUMINOUS live really gives you a different impression of them, right
How was it🥹🫧

In the dressing room, the staff put up a paper
That had all of our concerts we've played in Hiroshima so far on it📃
I felt so grateful that we've been able to come to Hiroshima so many times,
And I thought how lucky we are
That we were able to come to Hiroshima again in support of LUMINOUS🥲🪼♡
It's not a given, and I won't forget it🔥

We ate Musashi🍱 and okonomiyaki, and got powered up by everyone--
It was such a great way to start the tour‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼
Thank you so much‼‼‼‼‼‼‼

We'll do our best in Fukuoka tooー🙂↕🙂↕🙂↕🙂↕🙂↕🙂↕🙂↕🙂↕🙂↕

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WsRxedOW_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WvYvdOsH_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XRiZN00m_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BQiLCtFv_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 9xtaOVTa_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN J33dSXT8_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UtcpjlUi_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HS97wr2a_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Uj15Dli6_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CpTJS19f_t

RINA: 「Our tour has begun. Opening day in Hiroshima. A city that I've alーways loved and have very fond memories of. I'm glad we were able to kick off the tour from here. It's so awesome to have a packed music club waiting for us on a Tuesday night. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you guys have a wonderful time and experience. And if you run into another tough day someday, remember today. I'm rooting for all of your springtimes.」

SCANDAL 17th ANNIVERSARY 『Sekai Ichi』 - Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:57 pm


1. Space Ranger
3. Shunkan Sentimental
4. Time Machine ni Onegai (Sadistic Mika Band cover)
5. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto
6. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
7. Take Me Out
8. A.M.D.K.J.
9. Masterpiece

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL 17th ANNIVERSARY 『Sekai Ichi』  Replies: 18  Views: 1626

SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」 - Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:56 pm

Setlist for Fukuoka: (Source: Me Wink Also, if you wish to discuss any part of the setlist, please put it behind a spoiler tag)


Will post translations of their tweets when they're up.
Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」  Replies: 13  Views: 4580
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 43tChXY

SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」 @ Sendai GIGS, April 15

Setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of the setlist, please put it behind a spoiler tag)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 43tChXYb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Wsr0fvrb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1ig0vMhb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KSZzuPUb

TOMOMI: 「Thanks, Sendai!
It was suuuuuch a good night🥹🫶
Listen to "SESSION! SCANDAL Edition" that's airing on Date fm!
It's on every Friday from 9 pm JST🔥

Next up is Sapporo!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6ae9dVUb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Jn6P356b
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 08RS41Lb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SFihvFgb

HARUNA: 「"unlimited UTOPIA" in Sendai❤🔥 It was super exciting, wasn't it!? The venue was on fire despite the rain!
It was so much fun〜 I really do love Sendai. Thanks, everyone✨

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UOVyl5Ub

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
SCANDAL TOUR 2023 "unlimited UTOPIA" at Sendai GIGS

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to Sendai! It was a hot, wonderful night!

Next up is Zepp Sapporo on 4/19 (Wed)!
Please come out!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 86q3Vslb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN X6zTUHmb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GtnNHWzb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN X3g2W2db
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WjyoZsGb

MAMI: 「SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」@ Sendai GIGS
Wasn't it so much fun that it doesn't make sense⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉💦💦💦💦💦
"Nights like this exist⁉⁉" Wasn't it that awesome⁉⁉⁉🥵🥵🥵🥵💦💦💦💦💦💦
Whoaaa‼‼💦💦💦💦 It surprised me💦💦💦
Sorry that these are some really crazy sentences, but is my fainting-in-agony and excitement coming through⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉🥵🥵💕💕💕
(Please look at the fifth photo to see me fainting in agony.)
It was a top-class concert at a level that I can still remember and laugh hysterically about:sob:😭😭😭😭😭 Superb😭😭😭😭😭😭
Thanks so much, everyone😭😭😭💕💕💕
You're SCANDAL's world😭😭💕💕💕💕💕
(The fourth photo isn't me playing rock-paper-scissors, but rather me right after I threw a pick.)
This tour is nuts😭😭😭 lmao
Can't wait for Sapporo as well😭😭😭💕💕💕💕

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OI3Xo6W

SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」 @ KT Zepp Yokohama, April 14

Setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of the setlist, please put it behind a spoiler tag)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OI3Xo6Wb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Yvjgw91b
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FBgwaZ6b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GXaqmc4b

TOMOMI: 「Yokohama, thanks for the happy time〜!!!!!!
We were able up see everything, all the way up to the back of the second floor👁❤🔥

Tomorrow's Sendai!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y5GD8MCb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN K5J669vb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WK1WF09b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Alw57RSb

HARUNA: 「"unlimited UTOPIA" in Yokohama❤🔥 It was hotttt today〜! I'm happy it gets even better with every show🥹 You guys were awesome today too! Thanks!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XdpxoePb

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
SCANDAL TOUR 2023 "unlimited UTOPIA" at KT Zepp Yokohama

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to Yokohama! This tour has been changing with each show, aiming for the top! Don't miss out!

Today we're playing at Sendai GIGS!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FcnXD8eb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Yfk6nbib
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BXRBaqNb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QEfctIIb

MAMI: 「SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」@ KT Zepp Yokohama
Thanks to everyone who came out💎🫧
This concert was so hot that it made me, whose metabolism is lethal, sweat🥵🫶
It was awesome, wasn't it⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉😡💕
Let's meet again, make some noise, and make lots of new memories together🦄💕💫
Tonight we're playing in Sendai〜💫💫💫💫
It'll be an awesome night (it's already been decided)
So best regards😌🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MuuLWax

SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」 @ Zepp Osaka Bayside, April 8

Setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of the setlist, please put it behind a spoiler tag)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 4mA8tQrb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN N7nuDZ7b
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN F0UMcfPb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MuuLWaxb

HARUNA: 「"unlimited UTOPIA" in Osaka was crazy tooー❤🔥
Everyone's enthusiasm and sense of unity is so awesome! I was so moved with every song. It was way too much fun - Thank you to everyone who came out🫶 We'll see each other again!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PvoQj8vb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN S6dRnJpb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MBRSlsmb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JftIwhBb

TOMOMI: 「We're home, Osaka〜!
Thanks for letting us hear all of your voices!
It really was a utopia🦄💘

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 591KGq6b

RINA: 「Day 2 of our tour in Osaka - Thank you
It was such a happy time
And extended our lives as musicians
I want to live many more nights like this one
I'm happy we got to see everyone
See you later」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DFPTBimb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6Cm5iksb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN E1seEtfb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Mr81jYLb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1oXq6ZFb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2zBxI8Sb

MAMI: 「SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」@ZeppOsakaBayside
Thanks to everyone who came out🧝‍�💫
Osaka, your voices were so loud😍🙏💦💦💦
The ground was shaking, wasn't it⁉⁉⁉⁉😍😍😍💦💦💦(?)
Happiness was right by our side when we were told "Welcome home"😭😭🙏
What's truly commonplace is always something special…😭😭🙏❣ I'll never forget that‼😭💎❣
MAMI-chan was a demon of fan service this time👹 I was so excited😌

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN It5bOoG

SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」 @ Zepp Nagoya, April 7

Setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of the setlist, please put it behind a spoiler tag)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RpnptCIbTopics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y8BSezzb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Xw5KeDZbTopics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN It5bOoGb

HARUNA: 「Opening day of "unlimited UTOPIA" in Nagoya❤🔥
We were so happy to receive so much power and all of your voices! Thanks🫶 Also, your guys' stamina is amazing!
It really is awesome to think about how we'll be doing this for the entire month.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PYp71wLb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ASQdlypb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Mpm9IZjb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 4gtltagb

TOMOMI: 「Opening day in Nagoya!
Thank you to everyone who came out🔥
Solo concerts where vocalizing is allowed for the first time in several years really does make you emotional🥲💘
We got to kick off to an amazing start!
Best regards for the next month〜!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN So2z8A5b

RINA: 「Thank you for making us feel amazing on opening day of our tour in Nagoya
It felt like we could finally breathe, and like we came back to life
We'll see you again
Love you」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Zekcfzzb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WseVLTzb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VdXD6Cqb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZCGhpc9b

MAMI: 『SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」@ Zepp Nagoya
Thank you to everyone who came out🥹❣
This was our first solo concert in Japan where vocalizing was allowed after the ban was lifted😭😭😭
It felt like I was finally able to come out from the bottom of the deep, deep sea, take a breath, and come back to life😭😭😭😭
Thanks for a night of happiness😭😭😭😭
I'm confident that this tour will be the best one ever😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼We're playing in Osaka today‼‼‼‼‼😍😍😍💦😍😍
Let's live the best life...🥵💎❣ together🌹
(A phenomenon of making a peace sign when I throw a pick)

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Be7HMMpb

SCANDAL: 「Again, thank you so much to everyone who came out to Nagoya! Hearing the voices of our audience at a solo concert of ours in Japan really did make us feel special, and it was the best first day of tour!

Today's Osaka! Let's make it the best night ever!」

SCANDAL @ TikTok LIVE at SAIZEN - Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:10 pm

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ftogfj2

SCANDAL @ TikTok LIVE at SAIZEN - March 29

For those who missed it, the live will be rebroadcasted on SCANDAL's TikTok on April 6 from 8 pm JST.


  1. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  2. A.M.D.K.J.
  3. Take Me Out
  4. Departure
  6. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  7. Shunkan Sentimental
  8. one more time

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HJHBprwb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JfD5fIXb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QistPaRb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ftogfj2b

TOMOMI: 「Everyone who watched our TikTok Live, thanks so much!
We'd love to see you again on our tour🫶🫶🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN W3CqxQHb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PaGft2hb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7JEF25vb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ki2Mqsob

HARUNA: 「The TikTok LIVE was so much fun🫶
We hope to continue to enjoy the online and in-person experiences in many different ways!
I want to make our tour next month even better🥰」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ TikTok LIVE at SAIZEN  Replies: 4  Views: 1124
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JqhNi7s

SCANDAL @ Hump Back pre. “tour tour tour 2023″

Sendai GIGS - March 26, 2023


  1. A.M.D.K.J.
  2. Shunkan Sentimental
  3. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  4. Shoujo S
  5. one more time
  6. Tonight
  7. Platform Syndrome
  8. Awanai Tsumori no Genki de ne
  9. Take Me Out

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZMcL1bDb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 758mKCDb

Hump Back: 「3.26 at Sendai GIGS
Hump Back pre. "tour tour tour 2023"

Hump Back

We seriously love SCANDAL!
Really! Lov
Thanks so much!
Sendai, too! We love you🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EBtQM8Ib Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN S3JizMbb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TJX9BJWb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN B6jj6Hmb

TOMOMI: 「Hump Back pre. "tour tour tour 2023" at Sendai GIGS

Getting to play these two concerts together was so awesome
I'm sad it's over!

Let's go to karaoke ASAP and sing Morning Musume. songs」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AqwoooVb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Auqwo94b
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QOlicgyb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UyA6bqQb

HARUNA: 「Hump Back pre. "tour tour tour 2023"
Sendai GIGS🫶
An awesome night overflowing with happiness! It was so much fun〜!
So happy to have met Hump Back!
Again, thanks so much for these two performances❤ Love」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IFCKO6Ib

TOMOMI: 「PikaTomo」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Wgar5UAb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JqhNi7sb

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
Hump Back pre. "tour tour tour 2023" at Sendai GIGS

Thank you so much, Sendai!
SCANDAL will be back at Sendai GIGS on our own tour on 4/15 (Sat)! First-timers too, please come and see us!

Again, thanks so much to Hump Back for inviting us to Akita & Sendai!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1qXZU86

SCANDAL @ Hump Back pre. “tour tour tour 2023″

Akita club SWINDLE - March 24, 2023


  1. Shunkan Sentimental
  2. Flashback No.5
  3. Take Me Out
  5. Awanai Tsumori no Genki de ne
  6. one more time
  7. Koe
  8. Image
  9. A.M.D.K.J.

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1qXZU86b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QJJD1vhb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN A6lgQ9Wb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Wna6K5qb

TOMOMI: 「Hump Back pre. "tour tour tour 2023" at Akita club SWINDLE

We really do love Hump Back
We want to see them once a week
Thanks for inviting us🫶

Thank you as well to everyone who created this passionate night with us🔥
It was such a great time!
I'd love to come back to Akita〜〜〜」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2luBseRb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HP8Ea0Ib
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 05E0Ai3b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TggORc9b

HARUNA: 「Hump Back pre. "tour tour tour 2023"
Akita Club SWINDLE❤🔥
Thank you to Hump Back for inviting us.
They were so cool today too! I fall more in love every time I watch them!
You guys who came out were awesome, too. I'm glad we got to see each other!
Thanks for the great night🫶 Can't wait for Sendai next〜!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3kdse3Rb

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
Hump Back pre. "tour tour tour 2023" at Akita club SWINDLE

Our first time in Akita in ages!
All of your singing voices were awesome!

Hump Back, thanks so much for letting us return to Akita!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN C5zi7nLb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LJZgokhb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Kvw6y5wb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN U4SUhIfb

MAMI: 「Hump Back pre. "tour tour tour 2023"@ Akita clubSWINDLE
Thank you to Hump Back for inviting us🥹🫶
This was our first time in Akita in six years🍚
We all had kiritanpo at the after-partyyyyy‼‼ and devoured it🍲🈵💦
Hump Back's words and music resonate so strongly that you'll find yourself in tears during their performance🥲🌷💕
Thanks for the amazing night🫶💕
Can't wait for tomorrow's show in Sendai😍💫 Best regards😍😍😍😍

SCANDAL @ Million Rock Festival 2023 - Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:08 am

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YLQmpFk
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ny8CugH
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GZ66npC

SCANDAL will be performing at Million Rock Festival 2023 (百万石音楽祭2023) held June 3-4! They will be performing on June 4 at 11 am.


1. Shunkan Sentimental
2. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
3. Shoujo S
4. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
5. Line of sight
6. A.M.D.K.J.
8. Take Me Out
9. Image
10. one more time

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FnnASsab Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XOwgWXyb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RmjFi5vb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5RwU7Vib

TOMOMI: 「Thanks, Million Rock Festival!
So happy that so many people were there to see us from early morning!!!!!
It also powered us up🫶 Hope we see each other again🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GHwoR3tb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BF7fm6Ub Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 18IsbQ8b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KavYrKbb

HARUNA: 「We performed at Million Rock Festival for the first time in five yearsー! It was impressive how excited the crowd was,, It was so much fun😭❤🔥 Thank youー!
We love Kanazawa🥹 We also ate sushi and oden🍣🍢

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OJH5ISjm

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
Million Rock Festival 2023」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OuiLFl3b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 9Ig2gMLb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KfN7w3Mb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2sbkneeb

MAMI: 「Million Rock Festival
Everyone who came to see our set in the morning😭
Thanks so much😭😭😭‼‼‼‼
I didn't think so many people would come, so I was surprised🥲🥲and happy🥲🥲💗🫧🪽
At any rate, it was so much fun that even this girl with really bad metabolism (me) was sweating, and it was so hot, passionate, and awesome🥲🙏🪽
Thanks so much🥲💗🪽
(I'd like to report that I was able to successfully reap a large harvest🌽🥵💗💦)
Summer has begun〜is what it feels like(^。^)」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ Million Rock Festival 2023  Replies: 0  Views: 578

SCANDAL @ COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23 - Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:44 pm

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AQucDCb



1.  Shoujo S
2. Shunkan Sentimental
4. Tonight
5. A.M.D.K.J.
6. Take Me Out
7. one more time

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HNJcToTb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2hWVPuAb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Dpnt7IOb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SWXPUssb

HARUNA: 「COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23, thanks so much〜❤
That's a wrap on our live performances for the year! I'm so happy that we had so many chances to see you guys this year🫶
Let's spend some fun days together next year as well! Have a great New Year💫

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AQucDCbb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1BRimPZb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WMTvnczb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN W0Itgk1b

TOMOMI: 「The end of the year really does equal COUNTDOWN JAPAN〜!!!!!!
I'm happy that so many people watched our last live performance of the year!
Thanks so much🥹🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN K1hWgxTb

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
"COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23" at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN InD4h4bb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2nqWfmGb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EB3L9oRb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GaRxvCEb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FasJwGXb

MAMI: 「COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23 @ Makuhari Messe
Thanks to everyone who chose to come see our set🥹🥹
I'm really happy that so many people saw us at these winter festivals🥹💞🔥✨
We're touring in Japan next year, and it'd make me happy if you'd come and see us somewhere😍✨❤🔥🔥
Thanks so much for another year🍣🫶
So many things happen every year, but I really think that it is thanks to everyone that we are able to exist like thissss🥹🔥
Go for your bias whenever you get a chance...‼‼😡😡❤🔥❤🔥🔥🔥🔥

May everyone be healthy and happy in the coming year💞💞
With the greatest love and gratitude, Happy New Year...🫶🥹」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23  Replies: 1  Views: 856
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SPE3AbG



1. Shunkan Sentimental
2. Hi-Hi-Hi
3. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
4. Shoujo S
5. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
6. Tonight
7. Take Me Out
8. A.M.D.K.J.

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SPE3AbGbTopics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XfRReTfb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TyfTu2bbTopics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 0XzreCwb

TOMOMI: 「Thank you to the many people who saw us at RADIO CRAZY〜!!!!!!
A great way to wrap up our performances in Osaka this year🫶
See you next year🔥

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KIgzKykb

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
"FM802 RADIO CRAZY 2022" at Intex Osaka」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3ub3caDb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XdMqkSTb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WGnrmOsb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1PBnzVib

HARUNA: 「RADIO CRAZY🔥 Our last concert in Osaka for 2022 was so awesome〜!! The high-paced setlist was fun✨
We'll be back next year on our tour!
Thank you so much to everyone who saw us🥰」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CFAze2kb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 0d4WIsOb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 9B5pglMb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 4IsVKFub

Thanks to everyone who watched our set〜🫶
This winter there are many people seeing us for the first time, and we met some new people at RADIO CRAZY as well😍🌹🎀
Please come see us again💞😍💦
【※Thank you for your cooperation】
Now then, next up is COUNTDOWN JAPAN, our last live performance of the year🤸‍�🤸‍�
Those coming to CDJ, it'd make me happy if you'd come and see SCANDAL-chan😍🫶🫶🫶
Let's see each other‼🐥🌹✨

BEST★Xmas 2022 - Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:30 pm

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TkVz3Ie

BEST★Xmas 2022


  1. Konya wa Pizza Party
  3. one more time
  4. Hi-Hi-Hi
  6. Take Me Out
  7. A.M.D.K.J.
  8. Eejanaika (Johnny's WEST cover)
  9. Koibito ga Santa Claus
  10. Tonight
  11. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  12. Flashback No.5

  14. Shoujo S
  15. Shunkan Sentimental

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HCIKLCHm

SCANDAL: 「To everyone who came to BEST★Xmas 2022, thank you for an amazing night!!

Apollo-chan and Meiji sweets came out to support us!
Let's eat some of Meiji's Apollo Chocolate
And have a wonderful Christmas🎅🏻🍫

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TkVz3Ieb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QTQwoB3b
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SWlF1i6b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Sbj4Jv8b

TOMOMI: 「BEST★Xmas2022 - It was another awesome year-end party this year, too!
Thank you to everyone who came out!
Did you have fun!?!?!?

See you again on our tour next year🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UIsduh4b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XWyOxbgb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y8PYvHqb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZkwmO8Wb

HARUNA: 「Thanks so much to everyone who came to BEST Xmas〜❤ Aah〜it was so much fun!
See you on our tour next year✨

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WTQkCdRm

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
"BEST★Xmas 2022" at Toyosu PIT

Thank you so much to everyone who came to BEST Xmas! This year's one was another great way to wrap up our solo concerts for the year!

Merry christmas🎄

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RJVxBZib Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QSRQZlSb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1eUMRLqb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Gf8kGnib Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PYfM8rHb

MAMI: 「BEST★Xmas2022 @ Toyosu PIT
Thanks to everyone who came out〜🫶
There were probably many people who had a hard time getting to the venue due to the cold weather in many areas🥲
Thank you for braving that and spending Christmas Eve with us🥹💞🫶🤸‍�
It was a lot of fun😍😍😍😍
How did you guys spend Christmas the following day😍😍😍😍😍😍
I slept without setting an alarm, woke up in the early afternoon, cleaned the washing machine and microwave, organized the kitchen shelves, and took a break. I woke up like, "My mouth is so dry!!" Then I folded the laundry, took out the trash, took a bath, and went to bed😍💦💦💦

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: BEST★Xmas 2022  Replies: 9  Views: 1069

SCANDAL @ MERRY ROCK PARADE 2022 - Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:29 pm

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NDLfT3B



2. Take Me Out
3. one more time
4. Shoujo S
5. A.M.D.K.J.
6. Shunkan Sentimental

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VEqu90db Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN C4czn3ib
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN C9aoTNHb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5Ovcff1b

TOMOMI: 「Happy that so many people watched us at our first MERRY ROCK PARADE appearance in forever!
Thank you🎅🎄

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KxX41HPm

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
"MERRY ROCK PARADE 2022" at Port Messe Nagoya, 2; 3; New Building 1」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6gwhlVjb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QvIx0U2b
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PWYBhsFb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NDLfT3Bb

Happy that so many people watched us at our first MERRY ROCK appearance in five years〜 It was so much fun〜!!!
We have more festival appearances towards the end of the year, and we were able to kick off to a great start🥰
Thanks so much to everyone who saw us^ ^」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VOFFwphb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JHa29pqb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WMkegoXb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN V67kA2Yb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ThKbH2lb

MAMI: 「MERRY ROCK PARADE 2022 @ Port Messe Nagoya
Thanks to everyone who watched our set🫶
I'm happy that there were also a lot of people seeing for the first time!
Please continue to keep up with us if you'd like...💋❤
And now we're rehearsing every day for BEST Xmas🎅🎄
I wonder what will happen this year🥵💖🎁
Can't wait💋🫶」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ MERRY ROCK PARADE 2022  Replies: 1  Views: 695
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 52CQh9q

SCANDAL @ SiM TOUR 2022 “BEWARE” @ Sendai GIGS - October 30


2. Image
3. Take Me Out
4. Shoujo S
5. Shunkan Sentimental
6. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
7. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
8. A.M.D.K.J.

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Jx8U6dfb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Fu9jW2Cb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NKGccWEb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 52CQh9qb

HARUNA: 「SiM TOUR 2022 "BEWARE" in Sendai
Basking in cheers for the first time in Japan in two and a half years was so, so moving and exciting🔥
So grateful to SiM for inviting us to this amazing tour. We'd love to play another concert together again!
Everyone who came out, you guys had such awesome expressions on your faces! See you later🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ukd3Op7m

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
SiM TOUR 2022 "BEWARE" at Sendai GIGS」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZQ8e4l9b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XJZQBnhb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AulXzXeb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 4LFUWwcb


Thank you so much!!!!!
The moment I heard everyone's voices for the first time in two and a half years, all of the cells in my body jumped high and made me remember that this is what the heat of a live music venue is supposed to be like! 🥺

Thankful from the bottom of my heart to SiM
For inviting us to this important tour💐💛

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GshqAu5b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DAkDTcrb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GPqoUmtb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TPFpepeb

MAMI: 「SiM TOUR 2022 "BEWARE" @ SendaiGIGS

It's been a bit since then🙇‍�🙇‍�
Thanks to everyone who came out!
On 10/30 we had our second super-hot joint-band concert with SiM🫶
The members of SiM, all the staff involved, and the desire to broaden the possibilities while keeping the audience safe were united - It was a wonderful night with a very positive atmosphere🥲
Again, we're so grateful to SiM for inviting us to play at this important performance, and on this important tour! Thank you so much🔥!
It's been soooo long since vocalizing at a concert in Japan was allowed
When people would call out "Mamitasu〜", I'd be like, "Eh❓😃 Did friends of mine come❓😃"
Thanks for calling out my name so much🫶❤🔥 We're all friends😍😍💦💦💦💦

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN U8AAwLq

SCANDAL @ SiM TOUR 2022 “BEWARE” @ Zepp Nagoya - October 12


1. Flashback No.5
2. Take Me Out
3. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
4. Shoujo S
5. Tonight
6. Kanojo wa Wave
7. A.M.D.K.J.
8. Shunkan Sentimental

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN U8AAwLqm

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
SiM TOUR 2022 "BEWARE" at Zepp Nagoya」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MRFUUoLb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LhvLXxwb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FeVQI0jb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN U8AAwLqb
HARUNA: 「SiM TOUR 2022 "BEWARE" in Nagoya
It's an honor being invited to this important tour that is a big step forward for the music scene🔥 Thank you so much! SiM was so cool〜!!
I'm really looking forward toplaying in Sendai too🫶」」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2KmS0Qpb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y8QaEuDb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN B9LLkVob Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DQyHUtdb

TOMOMI: 「SiM TOUR 2022 "BEWARE" @ Zepp Nagoya

It's an honor to be invited to be a part of this tour that is a giant step for the music scene!
SiM, of course, as well as everyone on the floor who was burning hothothot & perfectly respected the no-vocalizing rule today, were the coolest!
Thank you so much!
See you in Sendai🔥

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JKMLEWKb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7xoGNvab
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN W3yLWr8b Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BFpTj6fb

MAMI: 「SiM TOUR 2022 "BEWARE"@ Zepp Nagoya

Thank you to everyone who came out🫶
A joint-band concert with SiM…🔥😈❤🔥
Super grateful to SiM for inviting us🌷
This was our first concert after our MIRROR tour concluded
Although there are still many rules that need to be upheld in Japan, this tour of SiM's took the lead in trying to get things back to how they used to be little by little while also adhering to the rules - I'm really happy we got to take part in it😭
Also, everyone who accepted those feelings and took part in this, you were all so wonderful🥲
Though there are feelings of frustration, there must also be feelings of fun and joy that you've found and learned in the process
Look forward to the day when everyone can shout loudly at every packed live music club, and save your voices for that🔥🤜🤛🔥
Thank you so, so much!!
Our next concert on this tour is on 10/30 at Sendai GIGS😈🫶🥦」


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QZ8WsP4



1. Shunkan Sentimental
2. Take Me Out
3. Shoujo S
4. Yoake no Ryuuseigun
5. Osaka LOVER
6. one more time
7. Tonight

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SJjgLMvb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ECiWR4cb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YvqpoXQb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN W6G3Disb

TOMOMI: 「Everyone who dropped by Taiyou no Hiroba for the Osaka Castle Dream Festival, thank you so much🏯

It was just as hot as it is at summer festivals!
Please keep yourselves hydrated🫶

See you later〜!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RHd9L8Um

SCANDAL: 「Thank you】
Osaka Castle Dream Fes. "LIVE GUMBO PARK"
@ Osaka Castle Park, Taiyou no Hiroba - Baseball Field Special Stage」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HrYbRYIb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MmzR2bgb
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EgEszkRb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KUdpTbCb

HARUNA: 「Osaka Castle Dream Festival, and a free concert close to where our beloved Shiroten spot is! I'm glad a lot of people watched us〜🫶
Thanks for coming out in this hot weather💘

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZfoF53Jb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN E2PHB34b
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FsgTV8Hb Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN T9QNtG2b

MAMI: 「Osaka Castle Dream Festival "LIVE GUMBO PARK" 🏯🥷⚔
Thank you to everyone who came to watch us🫶🔥
And this day's concert was free🏯
Although this wasn't a concert held on Shiroten Street where we used to play before our debut (This time it was at a huge venue and I couldn't think of anything but being grateful ever since those early days of ours)
It really does bring back memorieeeeees
Memories and emotions were brought back and hit deep❤‍🩹🔥
We're also really grateful to the organizers who invited SCANDAL to this memorable event - thank you so much❤🔥
Also, today's the 14th anniversary of our major label debut🥹‼🫶
I remember the day we debuted so clearly
I went to school like usual😍❤🔥
It was like that when we formed, tooooooo
We really couldn't have made it this far without you guys being there for us
We wouldn't be able to celebrate this anniversaryyyyy
Thank you so, so much as alwayssssss😭😭😭❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥🥵🥵🥵🥵🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ LIVE GUMBO PARK SPECIAL LIVE  Replies: 4  Views: 892

SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2022 "MIRROR" - Tue Sep 27, 2022 8:27 pm

Paris setlist:

  2. Flashback No.5
  3. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  4. Ai no Shoutai
  5. Kanojo wa Wave
  6. Shunkan Sentimental
  7. Take Me Out
  8. Prism
  9. Ivory
  10. Ao no Naru Yoru no Sukima de
  11. eternal
  12. Yoake no Ryuuseigun
  13. Tonight
  14. A.M.D.K.J.
  15. Image
  16. one more time


*Changes are bolded.

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2022 "MIRROR"  Replies: 364  Views: 28910

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