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Start 2013-02-18 (RINA)
Posted Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:42 pm



International Performer
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Theme: RINA

Osaka Jou-Hall One Man Live Rehearsal, Day One.

Start 2013-02-18 (RINA) Rinasblog288_zpsbd54489a

Tokyo is raining.

Start 2013-02-18 (RINA) Rinasblog289_zps7f79b44f

I feel really good.
For the band, there's nothing to be worried.
Tremendously we concentrated much on the contents, and made a fun setlist.
Really looking forward to it.

I realized it just recently.
That after completing for TV and event coverages,
Now we happen to see ourselves in various places.

We're still the same person just like when our live was decided,
and I just realized it by chance when our surroundings murmuring more about that.
But it's us from now on.

Everyone, relax yourself and please arrive at the venue cheerfully.
In few more days I'll do whatever I have to do with all of my might.
We mixed both the good and bad ones, so please face the reality.

On Hinamatsuri*, we're allowed to recover and dispose unpleasant feeling and depressed heart,
so let's spend it with everyone like a real dream night.

We'll do our best too.


Yesterday we had nikujaga.

Start 2013-02-18 (RINA) Rinasblog290_zpsbc15ea2f

Today, it's hamburger.

Rehearsal period is the most perfect regular life.
I'm so happy ♩
Having fun cooking for myself ( ´ ▽ ` )ノWhat a wonderful meal.


2013-02-18 22:07:56

*Osaka Jou-Hall is held on Hinamatsuri Day.

Last edited by jigoku79 on Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:22 pm; edited 4 times in total

Start 2013-02-18 (RINA) 4_zpse36c3efe

ものでしょう? (SCANDAL- Pride)
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Re: Start 2013-02-18 (RINA)
Posted Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:48 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Thanks for the translation!

Wow... What an epic-sounding name for a dish!

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Re: Start 2013-02-18 (RINA)
Posted Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:32 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Thank you for the translations

What a coimcidence, having a concert on a special day or did they actually choose that day intentionally? hehe

Just as usual, Rina-chan being very passionate about playing her drums and performing.

I want her bass pedal, a lot of people reviewed it as a good one..

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Re: Start 2013-02-18 (RINA)
Posted Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:18 pm



International Performer
International Performer
raynsity wrote:What a coimcidence, having a concert on a special day or did they actually choose that day intentionally? hehe
You can check about it in here . Fyi, their 1st indie single, 'Space Ranger', was released on March 3rd, 2008.

Start 2013-02-18 (RINA) 4_zpse36c3efe

ものでしょう? (SCANDAL- Pride)
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Re: Start 2013-02-18 (RINA)
Posted Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:50 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
jigoku79 wrote:
raynsity wrote:What a coimcidence, having a concert on a special day or did they actually choose that day intentionally? hehe
You can check about it in here . Fyi, their 1st indie single, 'Space Ranger', was released on March 3rd, 2008.

Thanks for the link. It definitely helps me, a new fan, to know more about Scandal. So it was intentional from the very start to choose that date. BTW I think it's also coincidental because 3 March 2013 is exactly on the weekend, unless they intentionally waited for 5 years to get the perfect timing.

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Re: Start 2013-02-18 (RINA)
Posted Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:14 pm


Caless Student
Caless Student
I'm looking forward to see the setlist of the show and it's also good to hear they enjoy the rehearsals. Thanks for the translation!

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Re: Start 2013-02-18 (RINA)
Posted Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:49 pm



International Performer
International Performer
and the 3rd March is my birthday .clap.
it would have been awesome to be at the concert on my birthday but I Knew Scandal in november 2012 (and I don't have enough money to go to Japan now but I hope soon)

Thank you for the translation !!

Start 2013-02-18 (RINA) MUW2SyY
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Re: Start 2013-02-18 (RINA)
Posted Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:03 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
yet i look forward to the playlist of the show

thank for translate

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Re: Start 2013-02-18 (RINA)
Posted Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:18 pm



International Performer
International Performer
nyahahaha~ That Dinosaur doodle~ kyaaaaaa~ .love.

Love the shoes!! Happy Onion

Start 2013-02-18 (RINA) Tumblr_nozfepuWf31tc12aio1_540
~ Morning Musume '15 ~
Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi
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Re: Start 2013-02-18 (RINA)
Posted Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:48 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Wish I could go T_T
Thanks for the translates ^^

Start 2013-02-18 (RINA) G5qoii10
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