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Spread the Word: Bring Joseph Konny to Justice
Posted Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:59 am



International Performer
International Performer
Watch the video to understand what this man has done against basic human rights. Spread the word make it known that human rights is the most important! Children should not have to live their life in fear of being raped, abucted, killed or even worse...
He is the leader of the lord's resistance army whom have brought injustice to many who are affected by his power.
More info:

Mod and admin please don't remove this it is for a important cause!

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
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Spread the Word: Bring Joseph Konny to Justice Hhxqn11
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International Performer
International Performer
Yep, I totally agree with this! No child deserves to live like that. It has been on my Facebook newsfeed all day! Stop Kony 2012!

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Spread the Word: Bring Joseph Konny to Justice Tumblr_mta3fgUJcJ1sh5mxqo1_250
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International Performer
International Performer
I guess you can always have doubt about the people who made this organisation but its the overall of justice and equality and not the fact that he should be jailed or anything like that....

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

Spread the Word: Bring Joseph Konny to Justice Hhxqn11
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Global Moderator
Global Moderator
Even though I did share the video on facebook last night after watching Phillip de Franco talking about it on his show, I stumbled upon

after all the writing over the internet about it, they came with a response which you can read here: on the "critiques" tab

With all that information they just released, I think we can say its legit.

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International Performer
International Performer
I don't know about this to be perfectly honest.

The LRA has been active for over 30 years now. Why decide that 2012 would be the year? Why didn't they try and stop it years back?

If the American government really cared about Kony and the LRA, they could have found him in less than a year. If the ICC really cared about it, and those other human rights groups, they would have done something about it.

The tumblr link that Noodles posted with the heading "We've got trouble." is the perfect example with the facts that I also remember reading back when I read up on political science.

I'm not saying it's wrong, but I think everyone is jumping on the bandwagon a little too quick on this one, not to mention the blackout day is 4/20. Who decided that?

Spread the Word: Bring Joseph Konny to Justice Claris_signature_v3
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Global Moderator
Global Moderator
As a followup to my previous post, even tho I said It seemed legit, only 31% of their funds go to actually giving aid, from this 31% how much do the children get? probably a very small amount.


This is all just people making comments and investigating the situation, I also agree with plutonium that people jumped the bandwagon just recently (myself included) because as first impression it seems like a bad normal thing someone would do, raise awareness over a terrible situation someone else is going through, altho what most people dont see is how the people behind it manage the entire thing.

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International Performer
International Performer
I'm normally very skeptical about this kind of things. Remember the video is meant to draw upon the emotions of the audience, even if this action were to be approved, it would probably take years before this guy is brought to justice.

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with strong hearts full, our souls ignite,
when all seems lost in the war of light,
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International Performer
International Performer
I have shared the word Happy ... im glad my eyes have been opened by this...

ToHaRiMa=SCANDAL is The Best Band Of The WORLD!!!  .rich. Spread the Word: Bring Joseph Konny to Justice Tumblr_msx6a00kiw1qi2jioo1_400
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