Confess your trouble. [Page 6 of 11]

Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:22 pm



International Performer
International Performer
oh well about my grades .scared. especially MATH .whiteflag.

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 BgKuUQh
Mamitasu love Melons ~(^v^~)
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:51 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
xTimoMamix wrote:oh well about my grades Confess your trouble. - Page 6 163999 especially MATH Confess your trouble. - Page 6 319583
Don't give up! I was never good at Maths, either, but I tried really hard and did all of my homework and assignments and I managed to pass. Make sure that if you don't understand something that you ask your teacher to explain it again in a way that you will understand. They usually won't mind spending a couple of minutes to help you, or even a lesson after school or at lunch time to give you the extra help you need, they are there to help you.

Best of luck!

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:21 am



International Performer
International Performer
Huum... This is not a very important problem, but this is always good to speak about that.

Sometimes, I feel I live in a dream, I mean, I'm a fan of SCANDAL, I promise with my cousin to go in Japan when I'll be 17, but tomorrow I'll back to school, and all things I thought in this holidays look like just a dream, maybe later in 3 months, or 1 months, I'll forget this group, this promise, and this forum too. Maybe I'll say "Oh, in holidays, I was a big fan of SCANDAL, everyday I went in SH for see news and speak with other fans, but that this is the past", and I don't want that ^^'

I know this is a bit stupid, but I'm here for confess my trouble, so I do that x)

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Sans_t14
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:26 am



International Performer
International Performer
Just do what you want to do, too many people waste their lives doing things they dont want to do.

But I fell in love with Japan and Japanese culture in 1980 and I still love it just as much now.

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Sig_sc10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:09 pm



International Performer
International Performer
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gaLa_LiannE08 wrote:^Thanks mew...It was only today that it finally sink in to me that I passed..
But the air between me and my couz is so heavy..There's awkwardness and we couldn't hardly talk..We worked at the same institution, in the same office and live just next door..

Hello Lianne, I'm Lieann! Haha XD

But anyway, I've been in that situation, but in your cousin's shoes (but on lighter scale I think). Well when I was in college I am in a friendship circle of 6, and 5 of us failed a certain subject while only one passed and she's feeling exactly how you're feeling right now. But you don't have to be depressed 'cause you did your best right? That's what we told our friend back then. I hope your cousin will catch up soon. Happy

And as for me, I'm just a little bothered today 'cause I just submitted a resignation letter to my boss this afternoon. It's just that I'm feeling a little sad 'cause I learned a lot from my work but I have to go now.

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Haruka10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:34 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
LieAnn wrote:
gaLa_LiannE08 wrote:^Thanks mew...It was only today that it finally sink in to me that I passed..
But the air between me and my couz is so heavy..There's awkwardness and we couldn't hardly talk..We worked at the same institution, in the same office and live just next door..

Hello Lianne, I'm Lieann! Haha XD

But anyway, I've been in that situation, but in your cousin's shoes (but on lighter scale I think). Well when I was in college I am in a friendship circle of 6, and 5 of us failed a certain subject while only one passed and she's feeling exactly how you're feeling right now. But you don't have to be depressed 'cause you did your best right? That's what we told our friend back then. I hope your cousin will catch up soon. Happy

And as for me, I'm just a little bothered today 'cause I just submitted a resignation letter to my boss this afternoon. It's just that I'm feeling a little sad 'cause I learned a lot from my work but I have to go now.

Hi Lieann!!..Cool name!..Haha, Thank you so much..Somehow, I feel so much better after I read your post..Right now she's back to normal and even joke around with me. I think I'm the only one being bothered by it now so thank you.. Ho Onion

About your work, it's normal to be sad at first. It just show how grateful you are about it and the people you have met. Just cherish those knowledge you've learned from them and the memories you've shared (sounds cheesy lol) but I'm sure you'll be okay. Onion Smile

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Depart10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:54 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Guess, I'm losing one friend. I just hate her boyfriend. He influenced her so much. My friend chose him instead us???! .punches. I want to talk to her but she always avoiding us. Well, it's her choice. We done nothing but always giving her advices if they quarrel. Then we will be the bad ones Onion Tsk

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Tumblr_nwq1zi2ZMN1rtm262o4_540

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Mami10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:29 pm



International Performer
International Performer
mamiislove wrote:Guess, I'm losing one friend. I just hate her boyfriend. He influenced her so much. My friend chose him instead us???! .punches. I want to talk to her but she always avoiding us. Well, it's her choice. We done nothing but always giving her advices if they quarrel. Then we will be the bad ones Onion Tsk


Sounds funny at first, but based on my experience, it is the truth. I have a friend whom we don't approve of his boyfriend because of something any friend would not acknowledge but she won't listen to us and now she's gradually becoming distant to us. .wew. But then it's their choice, we can't do anything other than wait for them to realize our point.

@Lianne: Sorry it took so long to respond to your post because of the rules. I'm happy the awkwardness between you and your cousin is gone now. And I'm glad to be of any help to you! Happy

By the way, LieAnn's just part of my real name. Hehe .whistle.

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Haruka10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:16 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I sure had my fair share of friends in relationships. And surely, I have also been in your position. I agree with LieAnn. Its good to wait for them to realize whats happening, but if you wait too long, they can change forever. It is their choice of who they date, but if they only care about the relationship, they become totally attached to the person and think all other opinions don't matter. If you really want to keep her as a friend, try having a heart to heart. You need to talk to her about her boyfriend, and how she's changed ever since they started dating. If she refuses to talk, then keep trying. Its better to hear what's happening from a friend now, than to regret about it later.

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:33 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I am cursed by fate. The future can not be changed.

"We admire people for there strengths, but we love them for there imperfections."
:workhard: Tsundere Onion huh?Maximum-Attention-Deficit-Disorder  Hohoho Onion Bipolar Onion Sigh
Hearing voices in your head is normal. Listening to them, common. Arguing, acceptable. However, 
when you lose the argument, you're in trouble. Crap, I lost again...
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:07 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
@LieAnn: Well, it was already happened but what if your friend come back and say sorry? You will accept it or not?

@kawaii93: Yeah, I agree also. It's been a year when they been together. I think it's been a month when she start avoiding us.. I talked to her yesterday about what happening on us, about our friendship but she said she will think, think what is right. I guess, she's really my friend. Now I'm still waiting for what is her decision.

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Tumblr_nwq1zi2ZMN1rtm262o4_540

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Mami10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:48 pm



International Performer
International Performer
@mamiislove: I will gladly accept them. Besides, I have never been in their shoes (being in love unreasonably) so I'll just welcome them with arms wide open haha.

I'm bothered by the fact that I have no control of my life as of the present. I'm still waiting for that right moment to break free of this cycle. Sad

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Haruka10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:33 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
LieAnn wrote:@mamiislove: I will gladly accept them. Besides, I have never been in their shoes (being in love unreasonably) so I'll just welcome them with arms wide open haha.

I'm bothered by the fact that I have no control of my life as of the present. I'm still waiting for that right moment to break free of this cycle. Sad

LieAnn, thanks you very much .toj. I really need advices.. Well, it's just hard to think that this thing happen on us.

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Tumblr_nwq1zi2ZMN1rtm262o4_540

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Mami10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:20 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I lost a total of 1.16TB worth of files, in just one night...


"With ticket, it took us 5 minutes to get from Shiroten to Osaka Jyo-Hall. But for SCANDAL, it took them 6 years."
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:15 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I have way way way too much homework...I don't know how I'm going survive the next 3 months if this keeps up.

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 61185
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:54 am



International Performer
International Performer
Its super hard balancing out school, homework, and band practice. I think my attention span has become really short, because I'm having a lot of trouble focusing on my homework and I'm not really off to a good start in school like usual. Argh, so much stress building up. I don't even really know why I'm in college. I don't really know what I want to be doing in the future. I feel like I've wasted my money on college.

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:15 am



International Performer
International Performer
yoshinator54 wrote:Its super hard balancing out school, homework, and band practice. I think my attention span has become really short, because I'm having a lot of trouble focusing on my homework and I'm not really off to a good start in school like usual. Argh, so much stress building up. I don't even really know why I'm in college. I don't really know what I want to be doing in the future. I feel like I've wasted my money on college.

Hey yoshinator! You seem to be pretty busy, so I might be able to give you some advice. If you're having trouble balancing band practise with school work, I would suggest you get a planner, or an agenda. I also have many extra-curricular activities such as choir practise, violin and piano classes, music history and theory classes, and so much more. I find that having an agenda helps me keep super organized, and it also reduces my stress by letting me know what I have to do each day. Also, you also need time to hang out with friends and just have fun. If your life is just on school work and extra-curriculars, you might get overwhelmed over stress. You need to have a balance of fun and school to be happy, and it takes loads of stress off of you.

I think your attention span has diminished because of the stress that's building up. Do you get enough sleep each night? Studies have shown that students that get 7-8 hours a night tend to be more alert and do well in school.

If you're dissatisfied with your marks so far, set goals for yourself. What do you want to achieve? How will you reach this goal? Is it logical? Ask yourself these questions about your goal, and make yourself want to achieve it.

As for the college part, I'm sorry to say that I'm not in college, so I don't really understand that feeling. But my older brothers are currently going through the same situation. I think there are many different ways to figure out what you want to do in the future, and one path can open many doors. My oldest brother decided to pick a course that he really enjoys, and that opened up to so many different career choices that he could pick down the line. My other brother had no clue what he wanted to do in the future, so he decided to take a year off school and go back to high school for 1 semester. As you can see, both of them took different paths, but now they know what they are doing.
Try reflecting on yourself, and think about what you wanted to do when you were a kid. Talk to your parents about this too. Then choose the path that's right for you.

I wish you best of luck in college, and be healthy. Too much stress is bad for one's health Happy

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:54 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
You know, I had a friend who was in love with a crazy girl. She didn't like me and even threatened me and my friends, like "if you don't go away you will pay for it"... So he asked me to disappear for a while. Even if it made me sad, I always wished that my friend would be happy with her, because I really like him and I would sacrifice our time together if this is better for him.
This is the second time that something like this happened to me...

I keep wondering if I really am a good friend, so I desperately think of keeping the friends I still have. But I don't open myself too much, afraid of being hurt again, and I ask myself if they will go away if I don't start trusting them more now... I want to trust them more, but I always remember this friend I just told you about and another friend who did the same, and I become afraid of being left alone again.

~ bye bye happy days ~
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:24 pm



life keeps taking me down, iv been having the worse week ever, bad things keeps poping up and im finding it hard 2 keep my head held up, everyone always say i have 2 stay strong but how can i if something keeps poping up everytime, even after i got one of my problems sorted out,
i just dnt no wat 2 do anymore, im so lost, confused and pissed all at once.
on some of the problems i just cant find an answer 2 my problems, its giving me headache, i just dnt no wat 2 do, iv always been angry but, this week has gotten worse, 2 the point wer im starting 2 cry and quit SB 4 good,

life is just a fuckin headache i swear.

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:15 pm



International Performer
International Performer
hmm. been thinking about this situation.. your not a fan if you can't afford to buy any merchandise of your idols. I'm wondering.. so that means.. I'm not a fan? can't you be just a fan that supports them to death? Onion Cry

oh me!~
why I'm so poor! Onion Depress

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Tumblr_nozfepuWf31tc12aio1_540
~ Morning Musume '15 ~
Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:23 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
ceejrabuya wrote:hmm. been thinking about this situation.. your not a fan if you can't afford to buy any merchandise of your idols. I'm wondering.. so that means.. I'm not a fan? can't you be just a fan that supports them to death? Onion Cry

oh me!~
why I'm so poor! Onion Depress

Liking something is enough to make you a fan. You don't have to buy stuff to be a fan.

Unless you need recognition from others, you're doing just fine.

Help spread their name if you want to support them. Monetary support isn't the only thing a fan can do.

"With ticket, it took us 5 minutes to get from Shiroten to Osaka Jyo-Hall. But for SCANDAL, it took them 6 years."
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:36 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I agree with ganstream, many young people cannot afford Japanese stuff, it is expensive.
Being a fan means you like them and will tell other people about them who can afford their stuff...hehe

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Sig_sc10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:47 pm



International Performer
International Performer
yeah.. been spreading the fandom. hohoho!~

I'm only 17 and hell yeah I could infect my fandom with everyone.. not to mention some of my friends got addicted to SCANDAL. Haha! :onionrider:

Feeling much better... Onion Tea
Thanks @ganstream1 and @tonymiller >w<

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Tumblr_nozfepuWf31tc12aio1_540
~ Morning Musume '15 ~
Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:41 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
amz7250 wrote:life keeps taking me down, iv been having the worse week ever, bad things keeps poping up and im finding it hard 2 keep my head held up, everyone always say i have 2 stay strong but how can i if something keeps poping up everytime, even after i got one of my problems sorted out,
i just dnt no wat 2 do anymore, im so lost, confused and pissed all at once.
on some of the problems i just cant find an answer 2 my problems, its giving me headache, i just dnt no wat 2 do, iv always been angry but, this week has gotten worse, 2 the point wer im starting 2 cry and quit SB 4 good,

life is just a fuckin headache i swear.

Did you ever try talking to someone about your problems? No man is an island you know. When you can't answer a problem, you need to ask for help. If you still think that you'll just make your friends worry, well on what you are doing, you'll make them worry more. If they know what is going on, they can help you. Trust me, true friends are lifesavers. I know that I'm not that close to you as the other guys in SB but I'll still tell you never give up! Your existence means so much to other people! And you know how you helped me with one of my problems. If you could help me with my problem, I know that you can find answers to yours too. I know that it is way smaller than yours but it is still significant.

You've said that life is a headache. Yes sometimes it is, but it will depend on how you think about it. Seeing it as it is, you'll never find your answer. Life is unfair I know. Its just on what you gonna decide what to do after it happens. I don't know if this will help but for me, thinking positively is a key too. Every pains and hardships has a reason or meaning. That's what I believe.

I wish that you understand what I mean. I'm bad at expressing myself but as much as I can, I want to help you too. Even if how much we want to help you if you already closed your mind on a belief, we still can't get to you. And you might want to lessen your cursing. It doesn't help with your problem and most people will be scared of you.

P.S. My signature helped me with a lot of things...Try reflecting on it too Happy

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 Depart10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:10 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Yup, I agree with ganstream1 and tony..I've been a fan of Metallica since junior high school. I always bought their cassette since then..though I've stopped buying their records since 2009, I always been their fan. Being a fan for me, means you keep the excitement towards our idols in your heart..And, as gans and tony said, help to spread their name to others..~who can afford their stuff..nice one, tony! Confess your trouble. - Page 6 891450..

Well, I might haven't been in your shoes though..But, I'd like to tell u this. Our family, few years ago was soo broke..My late father was having stroke, our debt is piled up day to day, and it'd be so lucky for us to eat chicken once a month. Problems always come up everyday..we tried hard to do everything we can and praying everyday hoping there'd be a certain light, but there seems no solution at all..Well, we tried to stay strong..This condition happened to our family for about 2-3 years.

And then, voila, every problem sorted out and we manage to have our life steady again..though my father didn't enjoy the steady life we had right now, since he has passed away 5 years ago.
We did learn a lot from this, and since then patience has become our middle name.. Confess your trouble. - Page 6 97539

So, when there's a will, there's always be a way. Every problems always has an answer, though you might not get it immediately..And as gaLa_LiannE08 said, think positively!..That's a very very good way to start it up..

Well, you can see SCANDAL, they came from zero to something now they become..I bet they got tons of problems before they're famous, but hey, they're still here there to cheer us up, right?.. Confess your trouble. - Page 6 628112

So, good luck amz!..Hope this would help u..

A friend in need is a friend indeed..Don't be scare to start a friendship again..Well, I have a close friend, though he's far away but he always know what I need, and we're always be there to each other whenever each of us had a problems..
Did we had a quarrel? Yup..Did I ever hurt him? Yup..And those things happened cause we're a friend..that's what friends are for.. Confess your trouble. - Page 6 628112

Confess your trouble. - Page 6 4_zpse36c3efe

ものでしょう? (SCANDAL- Pride)
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