Ghost of Snypershot: "Alex I see now, it will only be a fight to the death, between your and me
damatte0924: "FAIL moment for me then OTL @ross Of course!
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol"
tanyalilac: "lol Perfume makes a super crazy soundtrack for this btw. XD"
damatte0924: "your?"
damatte0924: "lol papa kat
Ghost of Snypershot: "I challenge you to a duel *slaps Alex with white glove*"
ayaju: "no fighting kids
damatte0924: "You have a white glove? I accept *slaps Ross with a shoe
damatte0924: "
...sorry mama aya
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol guys
ayaju: "ross apologise ..XD"
Ghost of Snypershot: "why the shoe, that hurts
tanyalilac: "HAHAHAHA Alex is that the shoe you threw at me?"
damatte0924: "because you used a glove
damatte0924: "@kat YES!!!
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol"
tanyalilac: "LOL Ross, he can't help it. It's mismatched so he's got to use it somehow ..."
Ghost of Snypershot: "but the shoe hurts way more"
Ghost of Snypershot: "*hands alex a colt 45.* back to back and take 10 steps Alex
ayaju: "
damatte0924: " is how it is then....okay
thoseguiltyeyes: "no dueling!
aiur30: "
Ghost of Snypershot: "count to 10 then draw"
tanyalilac: "We need someone like Baruna Bono right now..."
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol i agree, kat"
damatte0924: "lmao papa kat XD"
Ghost of Snypershot: "who?..."
ayaju: "where is mama kabei now
Ghost of Snypershot: "9 alex"
NathanielG: "
Ghost of Snypershot: "10, draw!"
damatte0924: "8 ross"
damatte0924: "great..."
damatte0924: "*get's shot"
Ghost of Snypershot: "count up
damatte0924: "redo?"
Ghost of Snypershot: "yeah, you didn't get shot lol"
Ghost of Snypershot: "01"
ayaju: "*intense situation*"
tanyalilac: "LOL Ross couldn't see behind his fringe."
damatte0924: "02"
Ghost of Snypershot: "03"
damatte0924: "lol papa kat XD"
damatte0924: "04"
Ghost of Snypershot: "05"
damatte0924: "06"
Ghost of Snypershot: "07"
damatte0924: "08"
Ghost of Snypershot: "09"
BB: "10"
damatte0924: "10"
thoseguiltyeyes: "
damatte0924: "shoots!"
Ghost of Snypershot: "*flies backwards to the ground*"
damatte0924: "*shoots
NathanielG: "010
Ghost of Snypershot: "bang"
watwat1234: "oh"
tanyalilac: "BARUNA BONOOOO~!"
damatte0924: "*dodges"
NathanielG: "lol BB"
ayaju: "baruna stop them .."
Ghost of Snypershot: "moves into cover"
SamIAm: "STOP!!!"
Ghost of Snypershot: "*bleeds from chest"
damatte0924: "
tanyalilac: "PLOT TWIST."
aiur30: "
watwat1234: "its too late sam ITS TOO LATE
damatte0924: "plot twist!"
Ghost of Snypershot: "*rolls out of cover and misses at Alex"
NathanielG: "@Ross it's only a flesh wound!"
SamIAm: "*runs slowly NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
NathanielG: "stick your knife in and dig out the bullet"
thoseguiltyeyes: "D:"
SamIAm: "lol I wake up at almost 4 am for this?
Ghost of Snypershot: "*collaspes"
NathanielG: "lol go back to sleep"
damatte0924: "What have I done?
NathanielG: "now who wants to perform mouth-to-mouth on ross?"
Ghost of Snypershot: "Sam, my love, he killed me D:"
SamIAm: "lol it's a good show XD"
ayaju: "sam do it his life"
tanyalilac: "lol Nate"
SamIAm: "eh......................."
tanyalilac: "HAHAHAHAHAH"
damatte0924: "lol Sam
watwat1234: "its your idea nate, take responsibility
Ghost of Snypershot: "its too late for me Sam, avenge my death..."
thoseguiltyeyes: "you're his wife after all, sam lol
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol erich"
NathanielG: "till death do us part, that's obviously not my responsibility"
SamIAm: "sure, why not. Come here Alex....I'LL KILL YUH!!! >=]"
damatte0924: "
Ghost of Snypershot: "*dies* good bye my friends"
damatte0924: "I'll do the mouth to mouth, just don't kill me
watwat1234: "
watwat1234: "alex is a real hero
tanyalilac: "...."
thoseguiltyeyes: "
damatte0924: "This is going to give me nightmares
NathanielG: "hold in your vomit
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol nate"
damatte0924: "I'm trying"
tanyalilac: "LOL you can always lucidly dream your way out of it Alex"
Ghost of Snypershot: "am dead though alex, you killed me
damatte0924: "true kat XD"
tanyalilac: "IT'S A GHOST!"
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol"
damatte0924: "plot twist!"
NathanielG: "who do you call?"
tanyalilac: "(wow just realised the irony there)"
NathanielG: "GHOST BUSTERS!"
thoseguiltyeyes: "haha"
damatte0924: "more plot twist"
Ghost of Snypershot: "i just saw I was a ghost too lol"
tanyalilac: "A ghost of Snypershot?"
SamIAm: "This is really weird..."
damatte0924: "oh the irony! XD"
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol"
ayaju: "xD suits him well now"
NathanielG: "A ghost of ghost of snypershot lol"
Ghost of Snypershot: "now I can't haunt Jade and Alex
tanyalilac: "hahaha"
Ghost of Snypershot: "can*"
damatte0924: "lol nate!
NathanielG: "wonder how that'd work"
thoseguiltyeyes: "why me
ayaju: "hount your siblingds XD"
tanyalilac: "would you be like a disembodied voice then Ross?"
SamIAm: "I can't follow what's going on lol"
damatte0924: "oh, he can do that?"
Ghost of Snypershot: "remember me as I wish to be remembered, as
NathanielG: "@Sam no worries, the drunken monkey is at work again"
tanyalilac: "Because a ghost of a person is like incorporeal anyway."
SamIAm: "@nathaniel drunken moneky?"
SamIAm: "*monkey"
NathanielG: "yeah drunken monkey lol"
SamIAm: "
4 am"
damatte0924: "lol XD"
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol"
tanyalilac: "LOL dw Sam"
tanyalilac: "(about it being 4 am)"
Ghost of Snypershot: "i died again, one by kira, one by alex...
NathanielG: "go back to sleep, this is all a dream, a very weird one but a dream nonetheless"
tanyalilac: "It's quite entertaining, though"
SamIAm: ""
SamIAm: "yeah I guess I'll go back to sleep
Ghost of Snypershot: "here sam,
tanyalilac: "so did Alex just perform mouth to mouth on Ross' body btw?"
damatte0924: "I's gross
Ghost of Snypershot: "i hope, not I was dead when he would have tried lol"
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol
SamIAm: "lol Ross...well..I'm going to sleep again. later guys
Ghost of Snypershot: "sorry am not any prettier Alex, I tried to be pretty for you today, but you killed me
Ghost of Snypershot: "bye sam lol"
thoseguiltyeyes: "lol later, sam
SamIAm: "lol
damatte0924: "SAM!!!!