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Caless Student
Caless Student
if anyone post theirs ill post mine.. : .happy. .wow.

Last edited by rejeon30 on Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:55 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : change some things)

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Caless Student
Caless Student

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Here's one I wrote about Japanese stylish dressers when i was in Tokyo.

I dedicate it to all the girls in Scandal cos they are cool dressers, but especially to Tomomi as it has cool bass she might like. (The singer in my band help me make a cheapie clip from you tube stuff, so its a bit dated LOL ) Hope you enjoy.

Yamanote Line >

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International Performer
International Performer

Compose a Song (must be a scandal member inspired song)  4_zpse36c3efe

ものでしょう? (SCANDAL- Pride)
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Caless Student
Caless Student
there ..edited it.. come on guys be inspired and post one .. maybe someday they would hear it Happy

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I am working on it ...gimmee 2 weeks : )

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Song fo Scandal
Posted Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:49 pm


Caless Student
Caless Student
Hello guys mi name is Paulo and I'm form Peru so I know im little bit crazy but Im a big fan of Scandal an of course Tomomi so I have a band called Dead*Pop we do indie music and for several month I was inspired for the beauty of Tomomi and I have this song and I wanted to recorded (sorry my english is so poor) my lyrics are in spanish I think if I do it in spanish it would be easier and better for me lol I dont know and I wanted to send those song to her, but i need your help i wanted to do a video is not just for Tomomi (I have for her other songs) is for all scandal fans out there like me, so I wanted to record a video with salutes form all over the world wishing the best for them, I know thta english is an international lenguage but I want to do it in spanish jejej or maybe ill do songs in english but first i want your help let me know if you are interested i would be great doing a video tell in that they are the best , I wanna do a EP. with 6 songs and sended to them and Tomomi specially a couple so let me know if you are in in this crazy idea and again sorry for my english, Thanks

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Caless Student
Caless Student
ok bro me too .. hehe

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Caless Student
Caless Student
up.. i can't seem to finish my mami sazaki inspired song...huhu

up!!! .waaa.

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International Performer
International Performer
Not a Song actually:

You’re a flower that gives scent which eradicates stench,
Atop of the ground, amidst the grasses, you stand flawlessly,
The wind is honored to glide pass your petals,
And as the early sun conquers the sky, it makes your elegance more apparent,
You’re that wonder casted upon a magic spell,
A natural work of art that lies behind a curtain of mist.
Even when you’re taken off of your foundation,
You don’t expire nor wither nor lose your beauty,
Still you’re able to bring happiness to whom which you’re bestowed,
And be it at your final moment- fade with interminable pride- for you’ll be remembered,
You’re an eternal melody that echoes towards the future.

And from afar, I will take my place,
An abstract butterfly that begs to reach you,
For all the time I shall fly near- hoping to be recognized,
By you, the light, I saw as I travel through the darkness,
And I may try to touch and have my share of your scent, of your piece,
But in the end I’ll still fail,
Knowing that no matter how strong I yearn for you,
I won’t succeed; I’ll move forward--
But this impassive world will push me astern of you-
You who lives on your different-separated world,
A world where none of my existence can be traced.
And should i still pursue you,
Sadness will cluster creating a flame,
In which eventually, shall burn me entirely,
Making me fall down- to nothingness- it shall enshroud me.

In the morning, let the sun give you enough warmth which my love fails to do. And at noon, let the wind carry my felicitations and bring it to you. With louder sounds, bury it more, until only our hearts can hear that song which plays only between the two of us. If possible, make the night darker until our emotions are radiant enough to be seen. 

This clock which ticks differently on the two of us, hasten its pace so that our paths may converge in the future. This clock which fills me with sorrow as it reminds of how impossible it is for me to even see you, hasten its pace so that my sorrows would be drowned. Let me sleep therefore, so that I could prepare for tomorrow, as I did today, in making these thoughts and aspirations materialize. So let me sleep then, so that your presence would give me hints in accomplishing these goals.

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