Since no one has posted this yet, here goes...
SCANDAL will be having their 「TEMPTATION BOX」Tour from September 18 to October 2.
Here are the details from their Official Website.
Hope someone translates if there's a valuable information. :>
P.S: Posts containing just "Ohmy I want to go" or "demmet I want to go, I wish I can go" or anything like that will be considered SPAM.
SCANDAL will be having their 「TEMPTATION BOX」Tour from September 18 to October 2.
Here are the details from their Official Website.
SCANDAL HP wrote:待望の2ndアルバム「TEMPTATION BOX」を引っ提げての秋ツアーが決定!
9月18日(土) 福岡DRUM LOGOS OPEN 17:00/START 18:00
9月20日(月祝) 広島クラブクアトロ OPEN 16:00/START 17:00
9月23日(木祝) 札幌ペニーレーン24 OPEN 16:00/START 17:00
9月26日(日) ZEPP Sendai OPEN 16:00/START 17:00
9月29日(水) ZEPP Nagoya OPEN 18:00/START 19:00
9月30日(木) ZEPP Osaka OPEN 18:00/START 19:00
10月2日(土) ZEPP Tokyo OPEN 16:00/START 17:00
□チケット料金 : 立見(整理番号付)4000円(税込)※ドリンク代別
□枚数制限 : 4枚まで
この公演のどこよりも早い先行予約をモバイルサイト「CLUB SCANDAL」にて実施します!
詳細はCLUB SCANDALをご覧下さい!!
Hope someone translates if there's a valuable information. :>
P.S: Posts containing just "Ohmy I want to go" or "demmet I want to go, I wish I can go" or anything like that will be considered SPAM.