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How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life?
Posted Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:44 pm



well. this started when me, torres, yuu, danny, noodles and db are having a chat in the Shoutbox,and this idea suddenly popped out.

here's mine, i made LOTs of great friends since joining SH :D also i learned more about SCANDAL and other people aswell i think its too short, imma think of some more Hehee

So how about you? Share your stories .clap.

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Tumblr_mta3fgUJcJ1sh5mxqo1_250
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International Performer
International Performer
its been a year since i registered here but i already had a lot of good memories ~

SH changed so many things on me...

got tons of friends now
i hang out more now (im usually w/ SH peepz now)
...and saw so many beauties of this world (from midnight session) Hehee

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? 1y9gb
Eki x Tomia x Miyuko ♥
How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? F3crb7

userbar by reo (y)
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Let See
I Find this Forum after saw Kakuzu post in Youtube

And I found a lot of friends here who like SCANDAL just like me.. so THANK YOU SCANDAL HEAVEN


How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Magicrhapsodyartistcopy

SCANDAL Funny Moment Doujinshi

Dear GOD, I promise, I'll become a good boy, so when I die, I could enter the heaven, and in there I could met and own the goddesses like HARU, MAMI, RINA and TOMO .please.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
I've been here for a few days and I may not know anyone, but I think it's great sharing experience with people who like SCANDAL (there aren't so many people who know SCANDAL here in Italy) and maybe I can also improve my English (I hope so) XD
Here I can learn more about this band I love so much and about people who live so far from my country!

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Scand_set
Somewhere, someone's gun
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I stalk more because of the guys asking for pictures for the SB MH. .whistle.

Serious note, I became more active in my musical side 'coz I was kind of not touching my guitars for days before joining SH. And I started writing tabs (I don't write tabs before, I just memorize every song I mastered and hope I will remember them all when the time comes).

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Mmm, tbh, not by a pretty large margin, I have other forums I frequent more than SH, but I have to say, that Scandal Heaven has certainly helped me a lot in finding out new info about the girls and of course, lyrics.

I will always be thankful to SH for providing me with an endless stream of SCANDAL lyrics I could read and translate xD

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? R7kd9g

Please, call me Pally. XD
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International Performer
International Performer
I gained international friends.
SH helps me to hone my English skills.
I'm now updated to SCANDAL.
It changed me a lot! I just can't express it in words.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
1st Thanks for making this forum possible .hail.

I learned a lot about Scandal here, their official blog and everything including the specific instruments they use. I am so grateful see all the shared pictures and videos in here.

This forum made me more addicted and in loved with Scandal

Arigato everyone .clap.

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International Performer
International Performer
got videos, photos, informations about SCANDAL...

I got many friends here..
My english is also improved, as I learned some of informal English and some Internet language... I never learned about that in my school.. Nice one

I also got motivation to learn Japanese..

thanks kaito for the userbar How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? 464571

16.09.2011 SCANDAL Asia Tour 2011 「Baby Action」
16.03.2013 - SCANDAL LIVE IN SINGAPORE 2013 
28.06.2014 - 29.06.14 - SCANDAL ARENA LIVE 2014 「FESTIVAL」
08.05.2015 - SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2015 「HELLO WORLD」 - Singapore

Join IDSH FB Group (PM me so I can accept you!) :
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I got alot of new friends here now who I talk to both on and off SH. I also met some of them IRL which I am extremely happy that I actually got to meet them during my short stay.. yes, I can actually call them real friends and not just SH friends xD I would love to visit them again soon.. well, as soon as possible anyway =]

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Wzm3OfP
Yuujin_21 "The sky fury! You know you want helium if you're ever going to pump up balloons fast"
twitter/ playfire
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Of course, I met new friends too. Keke~ I got to know more about SCANDAL than just being singers. I got tons of information and other stuff Happy)

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Sig
"We'd rather have them look at us, not our school uniforms"- Haruna
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Caless Student
Caless Student
I loved SCANDAL band more and more.. I got more international friends and not just international events and also own country mates. I been active on forums such as this one and I got fun staying and reading the fun corner :D and I known alot about Scandal than before. Before I just like them but never knew there name but now here I am know there name and bio's :D and known alot of Scandal fans (never thought much here at PH) .happy.

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
uhm.. i discovered more friends.. and i started to love SCANDAL even moreee :D

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Siggyresize
How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Stalkercopy
userbar by KaitoKid
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
it ruined my life.....nah just made my life better (if not, then the best), i started going on anime conventions....and started to draw again...and i learned a lot of SCANDALous things here! c=

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Sige
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I now know more about Rina, and also Scandal Heaven made me like both Rina and Haruna. Plus, I made some friends and I'm sure everyone else did. *sob* This is a very touching moment! .wew. There are many more reasons, but this is the major change in me life.

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Sshinoda

Those eyes... I can't stop looking. LOVE
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
A commercial should be made.

I had a life, I had friends, I was a straight A student, and was a devoted catholic, active in my community with the purpose of changing the world and helping people become better persons and make them feel good about themselves, their country, and humanity.

Ever since Scandal Heaven came along, Ive become lazy, eat 5 times a day, and dont take baths and spend my entire time posting in this forum, I probably have like 5,000 posts already in this forum.

All jokes aside, Ive learned a lot from other cultures (mainly pinoy, singaporean and indonesian), Ive had a lot of fun in the Fun Corner, and shared my knowledge with other people. I hope to keep contributing and keep learning stuff in my time here.

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? The_legend_of_giant_dad_by_theblasianbruski-d6sotfu
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I became happier n not feel so lonely cuz im the only SCANDAL fan around ppl I noe. N I learnt alot of other things abt SCANDAL.

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International Performer
International Performer
I agree with valkho, I was begining to doubt my sanity for liking Scandal then I
found there are thousands of people who feel the same at SH !

But I have to agree with Counterclock as well, it is very addictive !
But I have also made some good friends from all over the world.
I started off thinking only Japanese people were cool but now I have found
that is not true and their are some amazing people here at SH.

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Sig_sc10
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Well, before I met Scandal I was sane..
but now.. .knuckles.

Also, before, I used to be one of the greatest students in class.
Now, I don't think so.. but it's not all negative.

(aka my 'dream')

"My vision is to create a Scandalous game for Scandalous fans, made by Scandalous people."

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Untitled_sig_zps08e0a862
How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Haru_zpsab1db286
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yea fam, wen i started 2 sign up i said that i aint gonna do alot of posting cos i was worried that people might think that my post will b stupid but after a while i became a hardcore poster cos everyone in the forum is awesome and made me feel like a family, also iv become more confident talking 2 other people.

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
How SH changed my life: I've made new friends, relieved from boredom, wrote fanfic for the first time( quite enjoyable, i must say, and frustrating too) That's about all

- Ominous Requiem.
Mourning Macabre.
Grieving Memories.
Melancholic Fate.
Saddened Truth.
Restrained Vessel.
Lugubrious Existence.
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International Performer
International Performer
I'll keep it Short And Simple:)
SH Gave Me A Lot Of Chance To Prove Myself To everyone And Accept All Kinds Of People:)
I met A Lot Of Friends Here Which Eventually Became Like My Family..In A Cyber Way that Is:D
Yeah! SH Changed My Life In Many Good Ways I never Thought Of:D

Proud To be Here As Always:D

#SH4EVER!! .hail. .happy.

ToHaRiMa=SCANDAL is The Best Band Of The WORLD!!!  .rich. How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Tumblr_msx6a00kiw1qi2jioo1_400
SCANDAL  BAND Yow!    .balloon. .
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International Performer
International Performer
Well without fan forum I doubt I'd get into SCANDAL as much as I have now. That's one thing... SH has also linked me other people through the likeness of SCANDAL onto Facebook and I've gained a few good friends who I keep in contact regularly.

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Hhxqn11
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International Performer
International Performer
Well I sleep late now,lol. Okay jokes aside, before I joined SH ,I had listened only to a number of Japanese artists (other than SCANDAL), now after joining SH/SB, I have discovered many amazing artists and of course friends from all parts of the world (who actually love SCANDAL as much as I do or even more) . I would like to add that my love for SCANDAL as a band has grown a lot ever since I joined SH. I'm very grateful that I accidentally found this place. If I'm a given a wish,I would wish that I could have joined this forum earlier,hehe. Happy

How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Pixela10How did SCANDAL-HEAVEN affect/changed your life? Pixela15
 " Love feels good than smoking weed  " - Adii '14
" Love is spicy. It's delicious but makes you choke "  - Adii '14
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I've discovered people who share the same interest about Scandal like me. There's not that many Aus fans but there are still a few. <3

I've learnt a lot about the girls themselves as both musicians and people through the translated blog and the always updated news <3

I've memorised a couple of Scandal songs now through all the wonderfully translated lyrics with awesome translations! <3

Arigato SH and all it's members!! LOVE .hail.

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